Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 No Nonsense! ·

    Shi Jing's kiss was not gentle, and she felt that the man in her arms was pressing against her chest and wanted to push him away, but she deliberately refused to let him do so, and firmly grabbed the back of Omega's neck to prevent him from shrinking, and the kiss became more rough, not letting him go. He dodged a little, smelling the faint lime scent at the tip of his nose, and felt that the person in his arms was so sweet.

    "Hmm." Pei Sheng had never been treated like this by an Alpha before. Being shackled in his arms forcibly made him smell of strong agave, and the familiar smell of pheromone made his heart pound and his lips were grabbed. Invading wantonly, his whole body was numb as if being rushed by waves of electric current.

    How is Alpha... so bad?

    Before he was completely dizzy, Shi Jing hugged his legs, his legs wrapped around her waist like a koala bear, his hands subconsciously wrapped around Alpha's neck so as not to roll to the ground, his back was pressed against her The wall opened her blinded eyes and looked at Alpha in a panic. Through the bewildered light, she could see the nasty light in her eyes, and she was almost out of breath from being bullied.

    She, she, she... what is she going to do?

    Shi Jing let go of his lips, his chest heaved and looked at Omega, whose eyes were misty and panting lightly, and his cheeks were flushed, flashing a bit of revenge, he raised his lips and smiled lightly: "Do you still dare to provoke?

    " Sheng's breathing was unsteady, he was not afraid of death and stared at her and said: "I'm afraid you don't dare!"

    Anyway, she is not afraid, so what is he afraid of?

    Shi Jing squinted his eyes and stared at him for a moment, and laughed angrily. He wanted to tie up the little liar and deal with him, and said word by word: "Then let you see, I, dare, no, dare."

    Pei Sheng's Adam's apple twitched, frightened by her dangerous eyes, but now he is like a prey that has fallen into danger, and he has no chance to escape.

    Shi Jing didn't give him a chance to think, put him down from his arms, grabbed his wrist and walked outside.

    "Where are you going?" Pei Sheng instinctively knew that he couldn't follow Shi Jing, he struggled a few times but couldn't get away, his heart seemed to be about to jump out, and his breathing was thick and heavy.

    Shi Jing smiled evilly, looked sideways at him, and saw that he was trembling with nervousness, and opened his thin lips lightly, "Hotel."

    "..." Pei Sheng got a definite answer, and his brain was buzzing. .

    Really...really going to a hotel to get a room? Isn't she afraid of Shen Shubai?

    Or...Alpha actually likes him a little bit?

    Since there are many hotels near the Imperial School, Shijing rented a small aircraft along the way and picked a house at random, and the environment was good.

    After getting off the aircraft, she grabbed Pei Sheng, who had become silent and obedient, and entered the hotel. She took out her ID card and opened an hourly room at the front desk. After paying, she took the room under the ambiguous eyes of the front desk. Carla took Pei Sheng to the elevator and walked upstairs. , swipe the card to open the door.

    The air in Pei Sheng's chest was about to be squeezed out, and he followed Shi Jing step by step, thinking about running away countless times, thinking about escaping from the dangerous Alpha.

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