Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 You are a good match! ·

    Pei Sheng took a shower twice, but the discomfort still persisted.

    He put on his clothes with self-control, pushed open the bedroom door, and walked towards the living room with a weak body. The dim light at night blurred the living room, and he could only lean on the wall and look towards Alpha through the light projected from the bedroom. Lie on the forehead sofa and walk.

    Shi Jing was in a light sleep, and the slightest sound could wake her up.

    She smelled the strong smell of lime in the air, the situation was the same as last night. Unexpectedly, Pei Sheng's susceptible period came. She opened her eyes and hurriedly got out of bed, and saw Omega walking hard to this side, crying from her throat, very unbearable appearance.

    "What's wrong with you?" She held her breath to minimize the effect of the pheromone.

    She picked up Pei Shengheng, who had almost fallen, in three steps at a time, and carried him back to the bedroom without even thinking about it, her eyes flashed a little solemnly.

    The Omega in his arms trembled all over and whimpered from time to time, probably because of the severe torture.

    Shi Jing put her on the bed, saw that his cheeks were red and his eyes were blurred, he grabbed her skirt and was reluctant to leave, his little head kept rubbing against her chest, panting heavily and crying: "I... I am in the period of fever ...Here it comes again..."

    While he was speaking, Shi Jing had torn off the collar of his shirt, and saw the swollen glands under the white back of his neck that were bright red.

    She rubbed the back of Omega's head with one hand, not daring to delay any longer, she bared her small canine teeth and bit the hot gland.

    Because of the experience of two temporary markings, this time she quickly bit through the gland, and the salty taste filled her mouth, and she tried to inject the agave-flavored pheromone inward.

    "Hmm." Pei Sheng's mind was blank, the pain was pressing on his nerves and he had to hug Alpha to relieve it, his whole body was trembling, he bit his lip and his eye sockets were slightly red.

    After a few minutes, the level of lime flavor in the air returned to normal.

    Pei Sheng nestled in Shi Jing's arms, not daring to hide Alpha's possible frequent fever in the future, lowered his eyes and said softly: "The medicine last night must be completely marked before it disappears, and the temporary mark can only relieve it... Maybe you From now on, you have to... help me every night."

    Shi Jing stroked his hair lightly, he was slightly relieved when he heard this, and said with frowned: "Yes."

    Then Pei Yan was too much! To make such a deadly move against Sheng Sheng!

    Although full marking seems to be a quicker solution to this problem, no one mentioned it, and it is almost default to temporary marking in the future.

    After all, Shi Jing was born in the military, so he hoped to respect Pei Sheng no matter what, and make a full mark after marriage; as for Pei Sheng, he was still confused and hesitant, even if he had a skin-to-skin date with Alpha, it was prudent to make a full mark, like Aristocratic sons like them have been taught to cleanse themselves since they were young, and they can't be completely marked by alpha until they can completely surrender themselves.

    The two stayed together for a while.

    Shi Jing coaxed Pei Sheng back to bed to sleep, tucked him in the quilt, kissed his forehead and said, "Sleep well, don't worry.

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