Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 No Flirting! ·

    Nadano Prison.

    From time to time, the sound of "clinking" chains came from the gray-black prison, and a group of scientists in the corridor left from the depths of the prison under the leadership of the warden.

    "Wearing that Boss is here, it really makes our Nadano flourish." The prison warden rarely pulled a flattering smile on his serious face. When he got up, his eyes narrowed into a thin line, "I don't know how Wen Lao's research is going? Do you need my help?"     This huge prison occupies a huge area, and it looks like a huge iron barrel when viewed from a height. Not only the prisoner's freedom is shackled, but also the prison guards' freedom is locked up. I can't think of them once in a year and a half. This time, it is rare that because Yu Jing has some big shots, many people's minds are also active .     Because Yu Jing was stamped by the military as a super prisoner, the warden did not dare to take it lightly.     In the prison, besides stepping on the sewing machine, exercising, and receiving ideological education like other prisoners, Yu Jing also needs to learn knowledge through videos. What gave them a headache was that she didn't fight back when she was bullied by other prisoners. Someone even locked her in the toilet and poured dirty water on her, or used a fork to draw long marks on her arms. don't care.     If the prison guards hadn't arrived in time, I don't know if those vicious prisoners would have taken Yu Jing's life directly.     "She's too weird, she doesn't look like the highly intelligent genetically modified person I want," Wen Sheng's eyes flashed with disappointment, and he frowned slightly: "It seems that she is just a failure of a 5S-level mech maker. I have to think of ways to study again."     According to his two-day research and the questions and answers to Yu Jing, he was greatly disappointed.     He also thought that several centuries ago, mecha makers changed the gene sequence to promote the evolution of human genes. Who knew that after the research, he found that Yu Jing's genes had been changed, and each part resembled a human being, but there was no human emotion at all, and even more so. Like a robot.     If someone slaps her in the face, she won't get angry.

    Others humiliated her in every possible way, but she was ignorant and puzzled.

    She was unmoved when others splashed dirty water on her.

    It's time to eat, it's time to step on the sewing machine, it's like an industrialized product with a set program.

    What is there to study? It's better to continue to study his light mecha.

    At this time, a prison guard led a handsome male Omega in a blue shirt and black trousers towards the prison.

    The handsome man was still holding a food box in his hand, looking in a good mood, he was a little surprised when he saw Wen Sheng, and then he grinned and went up to meet him: "Grandpa Wen, are you coming to see Yu Jing too!?"

    " Yu Jing Jing?" Wen Sheng sized up the Omega for a while, and suddenly recognized the little guy as the youngest son of Shen Shui, and his face turned pale.

    Holding the food box, Shen Siling hurriedly explained: "Oh, it's the No. 857 humanoid machine you called."

    Hearing the sound, it was clear, "Why are you here?"

    No matter how you look at it, Omega shouldn't come to such a place casually.

    Shen Siling scratched his head, and said shyly: "I heard from my dad that when Shi Jing was saving the hostages, No. 857 came to help. I thought of making some delicious food for her to thank her for Shi Jing. Lah."

    When facing the highly intelligent Zerg, Shi Jing's calf injury weakened his combat effectiveness, if it wasn't for No. 857, Shi Jing still doesn't know if he would be able to escape.

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