No More [ TFP Wheeljack x Reader ]

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Plot : Decades after the Autobots won the war and bringing Cybertron, Wheeljack decides to have a visit on Earth; only to find that not everything is the same...

Theme : Platonic, Zombie AU ( Train to Busan zombie type )


Bringing back the life on Cybertron took a very long time but to a species that could lived for million of years, the few decades wasn't that long to them. There were a lot of things to fix of course, the change of rules, buildings construction...but as more Cybertronians returned back, more works could be done with those extra servos. Things seemed to be going well now, with everyone managing to adjust to the new era after such a long war.

Wheeljack wasn't that close to Optimus in the first place, but he knew that Prime well enough to know that he would've been happy to see everyone living to their fullest. Sure that there were still Decepticons that caused a few mayhem here and there, but nothing like the others couldn't handle. Bumblebee even gained some more reputation on capturing a lot of Decepticons lately. Everyone found a roll for themselves after the war, if not resuming back to what they were.

Wonder what happened to Jack, Miko and Raf. Wheeljack knew that the Autobots missed their human friends, especially Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead. They were the closest to those three kids. Many times that Wheeljack caught Bulkhead sitting alone, staring down at his servo which was holding a very small guitar-shaped keychain. Miko's gift. He liked that kid, she had potential to become a great wrecker. It had been years since they left, surely the kids would be adults now. Going back to Earth wasn't as easy as before, with the need for authorization for space bridge usage from the higher up.

The wrecker took it as a challenge and successfully putting in the coordinate to Earth. He wasn't the type to follow the rules that much, and everyone seemed to miss the kids so he might as well popped in to say hi and told them that their fellow bots still love them to bits. Ultra Magnus would have a seizure if he hears Wheeljack going as far as travelling across the million stars away just to say hi back to their human fellows. Sure he respected his superior, but sometimes he needed a break from things. Wheeljack wasn't that sure why he was doing this, but with how much work he had been piled with, he figured some fresh air and old faces would do him great. And he wouldn't be too long,

The Jackhammer landed smoothly on the Earth surface, Wheeljack making sure that they were far from the public eyes. Huh, to think he didn't had such impression on humans when he first came. How wrong he was -- humans were nice to be friends with, the kids prove him that. Before he left his ship, he activated its camouflage system to ensure it stayed hidden away. Wait, didn't he need to inform Fowler first of his arrival? Eh, that man could wait. He would be in and out in a jiffy, only for a short visit.

Wheeljack transformed into his vehicle mode and speed off towards the main road.

He didn't see any more cars on the road. No, there were cars and trucks and motorcycles but there were all scattered and broken. What made the wrecker to press the brake in the middle of the road was when he saw a bunch of humans laid on the road -- not moving.

Something wasn't right.

The bot hesitated for a few moment before transforming back to his bipedal mode. He looked around at the turned over vehicles; some were burning and some looked like just suffered from explosion. Cautiously moving, he took a better look on the humans on the road and froze at realization that they were in a pool of blood. Some of their limbs had went missing.

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