Small Terror [ TFP Ratchet x Reader ]

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Plot: Despite the small size of yours, you hold a reputation of taking down vehicons. Now, what about you in bigger size then?

A/n: Basically just Kocho-Shinobu-like (Y/n)


There was just something with the way you held your pose, with the way you kept your smile plastered on your face half of the time you were seen publicly. The way you walked over to him one day and requested for a lesson on Cybertronian body anatomy.

" I didn't take you to be so interested with us." He replied, clearly remembering how you took a few days to fully sink in the fact of your involvement with the Autobots the moment you discovered their existence.

You smiled up at him. " Well, I need to be use of something to the team now that I am part of it, don't I? "

There was always an unsettling feeling in Ratchet with the way you acted. Everything just feels...fake. Nevertheless, he kept his mouth shut and gave your request a moment of thought. Quite bothersome, he thought first, but would certainly be helpful to have someone in smaller size that could reach in tighter space in the body when mending any injuries. He glanced at you, taking note on now you were smaller than average adult he had seen so far. If you weren't a friend of June's at work, he would probably thought you were the same age as the kids, given how you were the same height as Miko. Finally, he nodded in agreement.

Since then, you had been dropping by the base anytime when you were free, getting lessons from Ratchet and helping him when needed. It helped that you were a fast learner. You even got the chance to save Arcee's life when she got injured on a mission one day, your size helping in cutting the leaking wire in her wound. The only drawback then was even with you wearing protective gears, you still received a few burn marks here and there as well as had to go to some throughout check-up by Ratchet when being exposed to energon too long.

Being around you from time to time allowed the medic bot to see through the gaps that he hadn't seen before about you; how often your smile looked almost fake and tired, how your fingers twitching when you found something you dislike, or how he found how hard-working you were when he stumbled upon your staying up figure experimenting on something late at night when you and the kids were having a sleepover at the base.

" What are you working on? " He asked, didn't even bother to hide his disapproving frown as he entered the chamber that had been your 'office/lab' for a while.

You looked over your shoulder, dark circles under your eyes and this time your smile looked exhausted. " Just something to wipe off the smirk from the cons everytime they belittle me. "

He stared at the chemical equipment displayed on the table, the picture body anatomy of both human and Cybertronian pinned to the wallboard, and the puffy smoke coming out from a glass container. He knew better than to know you were not so innocent and sweet as you tend to look like. You are fast, smart and quick to analyze in stressing situations. You had proven to be quite an obstacle for the cons, even went as far as taking them down by successfully creating a landslide once. Even Megatron deemed you worthy enough to be cautious around.

Ratchet watched you finished with whatever you worked on, you turning around with a paintball gun, loading it with small rounded filled balls and aimed at a metal stool by the corner of the room. You pulled the trigger, one of the ball came out and hit the stool, some sort of liquid splashed out. Within seconds, the stool began to melt down, a small hissing sound filled the air.

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