Falling [ TFA Prowl X Reader ]

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(F/d) : Favourite drink

Have you ever get the odd feeling whenever you played pianos?

It felt quite tingle but calm and very pleasant.

I loved it.

The music that played in the same room always calmed me as my fingers hit each of the keys that held different tone.

My dream was to become a famous pianist.

Never would I ever imagine to stop playing it.

" I told you to stay 10 feet away from the piano, " you hissed, but your eyes still glued to your phone.

Sari pouted, " Aww, come on, sis! Just let me play it a bit -- come on, it won't hurt...or..." She smirked at you, " you can play it instead. How's that?"

You sat bolt up straight, now glaring at your little sister, " No. I told you, I hate pianos. " Your eyes darted away as you leaned back onto the couch, " I am not going to play it anymore."

Sari sighed. She rubbed the back of her neck.

" You came back from Prague before the holidays and when dad asked why, you didn't answer him. What happened there? Why do you hate pianos so much? You love pianos, isn't that why you study at Prague?"

" I loved pianos, " you rolled your eyes, " I returned because I just need a break. Is that illegal now?"

" Unless you actually ran away from Prague, then no."

You actually did.

" Why don't you go hang out with your Autobot friends?" You grumbled, continuing to play your phone.

" Fine." Sari got off the chair after she closed the piano's board back, glanced at you and said, " And it won't hurt to meet them too."

" No, thanks, " you said, " I am not sure I can be friends with robots from space."

She shrugged, " your lost. They're so cool, especially Bumblebee. If you just let me introduce you to them --"

" Sari."

" Okay!Okay! The answer's still 'no', then." She sighed and walked out of your room.

After you heard Sari's footsteps sounds disappeared, you sighed and closed your eyes.

When dad brought me to a music concert when I was 5, you thought painfully, I fell in love with music immediately. Especially the rhythm of pianos, I don't think I've ever felt so calm and delighted to hear the musical instrument being played.

You sat up back.

Prague was nice when I first stepped my feet there. Music made me happy, it really did...

But now there is only suffering there.

You grabbed your jacket and decided to visit Starbuck cafe for a drink. You didn't see Sari when you put on your shoes in front of the entrance door, which mean she might be with her Autobot friends.

You sneered at the thought.



The sky was grey, which mean rain was about to come and it was windy as well. It took you about 10 minutes to arrive at Starbuck, you bought yourself a nice cup of (F/d) and was on your way back to home when it began to rain.

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