Chapter 19 - Trapped

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Author's PoV

Tae: "Well, Thank you Mr Park. I am very glad that you chose to sell your shares to us".
Mr Park: "It's a pleasure, You have a great future ahead of you and I think you are the right person for this. So Thank you Master V." He greeted back with a handshake and left the room with his assistant.

Taehyung picked up the folder and passed it to Mr Hope who stood next to him.
Mr Hope: "Sir, Master Jin called the office asking for you"
Tae: "Yeh, I know. I got his missed calls. I'll get back to him."
He replied glancing over some papers in front of him.

Mr Hope: "Ok, Shall I arrange for lunch?"
Tae: "Yes, before that, any updates on Mr Henney's security team? How strong are they?"
Mr Hope: "From what I hear they are very good. He has 4 personal guards he trusts very much and they stay close to him wherever he goes".
Tae: "Choose two weakest of the four, and ask them to work for me undercover, lure them in with a very good bribe obviously. Once they agree, Track every word they speak and every move they make".
Mr Hope: "sure Master V, but they could also refuse?"
Taehyung paused from examining the papers and looked at Mr Hope.
Tae: "Finish them off."
He ordered at once with dark eyes.
Tae: "I want them going back as my men, not his. If they refuse, there's no use, get rid of them and we will find another way in. Also, if they act suspicious while working for me, do the same thing."
Mr Hope: "Yes, master V. I will arrange for it."
Taehyung nodded and Mr Hope left after a bow.
He looked at his phone which had notifications of Jin's missed calls, but before dialling him, he phoned the mansion.

Butler: "Good afternoon young master."
Tae: "Good afternoon, where's y/n?"
Butler: "I believe she's in her room now, she was in the reading room earlier"
Tae: "Hm...did she have lunch?"
Butler: "Yes, Young Master."
Taehyung: "On time?"
Butler: "Yes."
Taehyung: " Ok. Good."
He hung up and paused with a smile. The red notification tabs of missed calls made him scowl with annoyance.
He quietly muttered and dialled Jin.

Jin: "Oh Hello! that Master V...woah! Master V are you sure you have time to talk to me? Are you not busy with Miss y/n?"
Taehyung softly snickered at his sarcasm.
Tae: "Aish! Hyung! I am in the office. What do you want tell me?"
Jin: "Ah! So you really manage to leave the bedroom?"
Tae: " Aaah! just Stop this."
Jin: "wow! The bad boy's getting shy now."
Tae: "I'm a good...boy Hyung.
He smirked with total denial.
Jin: "Really? That's not what I saw on the dance floor. You were begging for it. You were right, you have no control when you are with her. It's really quite something to watch."
He cackled in his usual manner.
Tae: "Not really. I think maybe I had too many drinks..."
Jin: "Are you kidding only had a glass of Champagne. How can you get drunk on that?"
Tae: "No, I think I had more..."
Jin: "yeh yeh, whatever!
Anyway, we need to keep an eye on Daniel. Mr Park warned me, he's planning something".
Tae: "I know, I've already made arrangements. Hopefully I'll be able take care of him soon."
Jin: "oh! That's good. Well, how's y/n? You scared the hell out of her the other day."
Tae: "She's fine." He said after a sigh.
Jin: "When are you gonna tell her? I don't think hiding yourself is helping this situation."
Taehyung kept silent for a moment.
Jin: "Yah! You listening?"
His voice raised.
Tae: "Yeh, well, I want to but she will throw a tantrum and leave and Daniel will be waiting to get her as soon as she gets out"
Jin: "What do you mean?"
Jin was puzzled.
Tae: "Oh so you thought he was just joking around yesterday? He was testing me. Besides, I didn't like the way he looked at her. I want to make sure he doesn't exist when I tell her the truth. Because, if she decides to leave, then I want to make sure she's safe."
Jin: "Hmm. I see. But do You really think she will leave when you tell her?"
Tae: "I don't know, but she will definitely throw a tantrum, that's for sure!"
Jin: "Really?"
Tae: "Hyung, she's so stubborn! Sometimes I don't even know what to do with her. And she calls ME the monster." He complained with a pout.
Jin:"Good. You deserve it"
Jin's mocking laughter could be heard even though the phone wasn't on speaker.
Tae: "Aish, please...I gotta go, Bye"
Jin: "Going back to see y/n?"
Tae: "None of your business. Byeee Hyung!"
With a fake grin while greeting his goodbye, He hung up cutting off Jin's squeaky laugh and locked his phone.
"So annoying!"
His grin disappeared in a flash as he muttered.
The phone lit up in his hand, displaying a picture of y/n sleeping on his chest as the screen saver. He smiled looking at it.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now