Chapter 5 - Love shot

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Author's PoV

The loose plastic lid on the coffee cup the man held in his hand popped off and some of the hot coffee spilt out of it. He immediately moved his hand to his right trying to make sure it didn't spill on him or her.

"I'm so sorry..."
Y/n raised her one hand apologizing while she pinched her white blouse with the other to shake off some of the coffee that splattered on her.
Her brand new top that she had to saved up for months to buy was now patterned with coffee stains. A little annoyed, she glanced briefly at the tall man standing in front of her and looked down at her top again.
She froze as the face she glanced at a second ago started registering into her frazzled brain.

She was sure of it.
It was him!

With those same dark soulless eyes again, staring down at her with a slight hint of surprise.
A stare that makes you powerless and cripples your mind. Now that she was closer to him, he seemed even taller and intimidating compared to the other night.

"Hey! Is everything ok?"
Another man shouted from the other side of the street, stood next to a Black Range Rover. Her head turned towards the man shouting. He was also exceptionally tall, with broad shoulders and dressed in a suit with a calf length dark grey wool coat.
Y/n's head turned quickly to face the man in front of her. He nodded reassuringly to the one stood on the other end of the road before quickly switching his glare to her again.

Not knowing which way to go, Y/n steadied her shaking breaths and turned around quickly to walk away. Her eyelids fluttered frantically. Maybe just going back to the place where she was interviewed would be the safest thing to do. There was a security guard at the door, he seemed nice and she could ask for help.
She took a step forward quickly.

But her feet failed to take its next step.
A sharp strike pummeled her back as if someone just punched her in the chest holding a dagger between their fingers. She gasped in shock as she felt something piercing into her flesh at the speed of light. She stumbled back into the arms of the man she was desperately trying to escape from.
She could feel his hands on both of her shoulders, his right hand that held the coffee cup was warmer than his left.
She felt no pain. A sudden numbness hit her chest sending her into darkness. As she fell back, the grey sky above her got hidden by the face of the handsome killer she saw the other night. Now, his eyes were little startled. His face was all she could see.
She fell to the ground, clasping her tightened chest with her left hand forcing her eyes to remain open to see what has happened to her.
She felt her chest grow cold as she gasped irregularly for air. Her eyes filled with tears involuntarily. blood seeped out of her chest soaking her white blouse and turning it red.
Few more loud bangs rocked the ground and she could feel it beneath her. Following those came the panicked screams and cries of other pedestrians.

Someone called among the maelstrom of panic and chaos. It reached her ears, only very faintly. She gasped for another breath desperately, trying to keep her shutting eyes open.

"Hey! Are you ok?"
The deep voice of the man holding her in his arms distracted her.
But now a sharp pain was radiating all around her ribcage hampering her chest from filling any more air. Before his desperate query reached her ears, her eyes gave up their will to remain open, sinking her into an empty void of darkness.

"Hey! Look at me!"
Puzzled Taehyung shook y/n again but her body was now limp. Slightly to the left of her chest a bright red circle was forming and it grew as he watched it. Seeing her blouse drench slowly in blood he realised a silenced bullet had already pierced her chest.

"Hey! Keep your eyes open!"
He muttered shaking her by holding her shoulders.
He swore under his breath. He held her face with one of his hands while Supporting her back on his thigh. He ripped open the top buttons of her blouse revealing the bullet wound with the trail of blood.
But it was something else which gave him chills sending him into a sheer state of shock. The half broken heart pendant on her necklace with HIS name. It was bent and wedged superficially into her bleeding wound.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now