Chapter 1 - Hello my Friend...

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Chapter 1

Y/n's POV

I walked slowly towards the huge unfamiliar grey building in front of me. The streets have changed completely. It's nothing like what it used to be. The house and it's massive garden that beared our footsteps have vanished to dust. The walls that heard our shouts, screams and laughter knocked to the ground and taken away. I swallowed as unexpected grief struck my chest. It is the right place unfortunately. I didn't believe it yesterday and thought I was in the wrong street. But my memories and the guidance of strangers I asked for directions have led me here again today.
I breathed as my heart shattered to pieces.

I felt like I've fallen into a different world and my memories were just from a dream.
The guard stood at the gate watched me with suspicion as he saw me here yesterday as well.
I mustered up my courage and walked up to him.

I awkwardly greeted. He grew cautious I could tell.
He nodded, clearly wanting to know why I had been hovering around here for the past one hour with my backpack.
"There used to be a big"
I said hesitantly pointing behind him.
As I spoke he noticed my college hoodie. His tense face became a little relaxed. Maybe now he figured I'm not a threat.

"Do you know what happened to it?"
I waited for his reply anxiously, hoping he would give me some clue about where to look next.
His face lighted up gradually as if knew what I was talking about. I became hopeful by the look on his face.
"You must mean the old mansion. Ah, it's a sad story you know, the owner, Mr Kim died a few years ago. His son sold it and moved away."
I almost lost sense of my legs as my body gave in.
"Mr Kim died?"
"Yes, There are so many stories about his death. Some say he died of ill health, some say he was poisoned, some even say his son killed him. Who knows? It's all a bit of a mystery."
Now, he leaned forward and spoke in a very low tone as if it was his best kept secret.
"No...he wouldn't do that. His father was all he had."
I mumbled as my eyes filled with tears.

"Well, Who knows? how do you know about the mansion anyway? Did you know them?"
He questioned curiously straightening his posture.
"Uhm...Don't worry. Thanks anyway."
I bowed quickly and turned to walk away, but I stopped.
"But... do you know where his son may have moved to?"
I asked turning back again swiftly. I couldn't give up. He might know something.
"Mmm...not really. I mean they're rich. But I'm sure..."
Squinting his eyes, he tried hard to remember something.
I stood still, praying.

"Ah! I think he told my boss when he sold the mansion he was gonna move to America. They even have companies in America you know. They must be really rich."
He finished with his eyes widened.

I breathed losing the last bit of hope with my breath.
"Thank you."
I nodded forcing a smile on my face and walked away.

I was stood inside the phone box holding the receiver against my ear. Lost and hopeless, my body was almost numb. The phone kept ringing, I knew it will take some time for her to get to it. She was growing fragile day by day, the chemotherapy seemed to break her body more than the cancer itself.
I needed to know she had forgiven me before I could face her. I sold the ring she'd bought me for my eighteenth birthday couple of months ago and spent the money on this pointless quest which had now left me heartbroken.

My dearest mother's soothing voice forced the tears to roll off my cheeks uncontrollably.
I whimpered clutching the gold necklace around my neck.
"Oh y/n ah! It's ok, just come back sweetheart."
She knew before I even said anything.
"Mum, I'm sorry."
I carried on with my head dropped.
"Honey, just come back home safe. It's ok. Just concentrate on your studies for now. Time will fix everything."
She comforted making me sob.
"Mumma, I'm sorry I sold the ring."
I quavered with regret wiping my tears.
"It's ok honey. I'll buy you another one."
She consoled as I whimpered holding the receiver.

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