Chapter 23 - Love under the Twilight [18+]

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Y/N's PoV

I sat down on my seat and fastened the seat belt as I looked through the window. A clear sunny day with blue skies. I smiled at peace. I didn't know where we were going, to be honest it didn't matter. I just wanted to be somewhere else, so that I could forget all the gunshots, screams and the shudders that crippled my body last night.
I only had a couple hours of sleep last night. So did he. But he seemed fine, wide awake and focused on his laptop, sat on the seat next to me.
"You ready?"
He asked happily when I glanced at him.
I nodded with a smile, feeling my eyelids growing a little heavier with the warmth.
"where are we going?"
I wondered leaning back on my seat.
"Paradise..." he whispered waving his hands like he was doing some magic.
I giggled and looked back through the window.

He held my hand as we got off from the plane.
I was blown away by the views and I wasn't even watching my steps anymore. I landed on the warm sand and my feet got buried with every step slowing us down. I watched the Turquoise blue sea with sheer awe while slowly struggling with the ivory sand beneath my feet. The calm sea kissing the shores gently with its foam lips. The coconut palms slow dancing with the cool sea breeze adding a touch of woody sweetness to it.
It WAS a paradise. The soft sea breeze, gently caressing past our skin and rushing towards the green as we walked under the warm sun towards our private villa. By now, I was mesmerised by the alluring natural beauty around me and I didn't even realise where I was walking.

Author's PoV

Joyously, She walked and stumbled through the warm sand. Clasping his hand tight, not paying attention to where they were even heading. Enchanted by the world around her, she smiled in amazement. That enticing smile, those awestruck beady eyes, just the way he saw her the first time.
For a moment he thought...
"Only if I had the courage to break out of my cage and confess it's me, her Tae..."
But, he didn't have the strength to watch that smile shatter. With a deep breath and smile to comfort himself, he walked with her, lost in her beauty.

He stopped for a moment as they reached the front of the Villa.
"Do you like it?"
He asked eagerly.
"Yes! It's...beautiful..."
she exclaimed clasping his hand tightly.
"where are we?"
She questioned as her eyes glistened with excitement and curiosity.
"Welcome Maldives...this is my private island...and this is where we will be staying..."
He pointed to the villa.
"Haaah! Really...?"
Her eyes widened as her lips parted.
"Hmm. You wanna go and see inside?"
"Yes! Come on."
She pulled his hand and hurried towards it. He followed without a question, just like he did when he was a little boy 15 years ago..


I stumbled behind her as she dragged me in with excitement. She saw the stairs from the bedroom which led to the shallow waters of the sunshine glimmering ocean.
She gasped softly and smiled, watching the little black fishes swimming around playfully. Our hands still clasped together tightly. I've been here many times, it was nothing new. Yet, going through it all again holding her hand made it ethereal. She was transcended by the nature around her. She's always been like that.
Cautiously, she took a few steps down the wooden steps towards the water.
"Can I go in the water?"
She looked at me with those hypnotising black pearl like orbs. I took a few seconds drowning myself in those deep orbs before smiling.
I smiled, enticed.
She looked back at the water and took another step closer to the water. But she turned back, those orbs showing a streak of disquiet.
"But...will they bite?"
"No. I won't let them. You are fine."
I winked as my smile widened.

She smiled back at me and let go of my hand. Slowly stepping off the step, she immersed her feet into the water. She Splashed around playfully and the little fishes started to circle around her feet.
"y/n ah, be careful...they bite."
I playfully shouted.
"what?! But you said..."
She gawked at me in sheer shock.
"They are coming for you..."
I put on a deep menacing tone in my voice.
With a high pitched screech she hurriedly jumped out of the water and onto the steps. Her foot only slightly touched the step, and she slipped backwards towards the water.
Quickly, I wound my arms around her and pulled her back on me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders tightly as I lifted her up.
"You said they won't bite."
She slapped my chest lightly.
"They don't bite."
She scowled.
"I may have lied."
I chuckled, amused.
She cutely frowned at me and looked at the water again.
"You want to go in?"
She refused gripping my shirt firmly.
"Now, I'm scared..."
"Ah...they won't. Come on..."
"No, no...I don't want to"
She tightened her hold clinging onto me.
"They wont bite...See..."
I showed her my feet in the water as I splashed in the water.
She looked down with a smile and got off into the water. Still a little scared, she held my shirt as she walked around joyfully. I stood by her, just watching her face glowing with happiness.

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