Chapter 21 - The Revenge and Rescue

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Author's PoV

"Relax boys..."
He gestured the guards to lower the gun again.
"Our friend is just getting a little impatient, because the time is running out for his baby girl".
He took another sip of his whiskey.
"Oh! This is nice, like you said..."
With a frustrated inhale, Taehyung tilted his head.
"Get to the point".
He muttered impatiently.
Daniel placed his glass on the table.
"Hmmm...I'm a greedy bachelor who loves his wealth and status V. You are just a young naive boy who's in love and willing to sacrifice everything for a woman. See the difference?"
He snickered mockingly.
He picked up the black folder that was in front of him and tossed closer to Taehyung's clenched fist.
"Let me tell you what I want." He leaned towards Taehyung.
"The MGM deal, obviously. But that's not it. I want more...Everything you snatched away from me, right from the beginning."
He paused to clear his throat.
"There are papers for them in this folder as well. It's works out to be little more than 85% percent of what you own. I'm being quite generous leaving you with 15%."
He confidently finished his unfair offer and sat back.

With a quick glance at the timer, Taehyung chuckled and his chuckle soon grew into a majestic laughter as he looked up at the ceiling. His triumphant laughter echoed against the marbled walls of the dining room.
"Aish! Seriously!"
He mumbled to himself and straightened his posture sitting up mightily.
Ripples of confusion layered on Daniel's face but he skillfully hid it. He scoffed and cleared his throat again.
"Do you really want to play with your y/n's life V?"
He muttered glaring at him.

"No. This is my game from now on! So Let's play."
Taehyung smirked, peering through the strands of hair covering his forehead and sharp eyes.
He clicked his fingers twice looking at Daniel with a crooked smile. Suddenly, two metal clicks were heard and Daniel's two loyal guards dropped on the floor either side of him. The guards working for Taehyung stood pointing the guns which were fitted with silencers to ensure the shots weren't heard upstairs.
He growled at him as he pulled out his gun. But Taehyung was ahead of him. One of the guards threw his gun back to him. Now, it was firmly pressed against Daniel's chest. Taehyung's hand was steady and strong unlike Daniel's. His hands grew shaky and his fingers were losing their tight grip on the gun.

"Sit down Daniel, It's my turn!"
Taehyung commanded pressing it firmer against his chest.
Daniel sat down obediently with irregular breaths. His forehead dewed with beads of sweat. His hands wouldn't stop shaking even if he tried to stop them. It wasn't only due to fear, he realized there was something else weakening his body.
"Drop it!"
The gun in his hand dropped on the floor and Taehyung stretched his leg and kicked it away. It slid safely under the drink's cabinet, conveniently out of reach for anyone.
"Pass me the silencer",
He ordered to the guard on left of Daniel and extended his hand. He immediately dismantled it from his gun and placed it on his palm and bowed.

"Very well done boys! I'm impressed". He praised the two guards for working undercover for him as he carefully finished fitting the silencer on his gun.
They both bowed to him. As they bent, he fired two silenced shots to their heads. One for each skull.
They both dropped on the floor like dead flies. Trails of blood from their heads joined the puddle of blood that had already formed on the floor from the bodies of the other two guards.
"You know Daniel, Traitors are very dangerous. Never liked them. Even if they were my enemy's".
He shook his head at Daniel, drooping his lips in disappointment.

"So, what Shall I do with you? Shall I shoot you as well? Hm?"
Raising his eyebrows he wondered leisurely. He pointed the gun and tilted his head, pondering.
He lowered it briskly, tutting and shaking his head.
"You will die very quickly Daniel...and that's not fun! Also, I don't like wasting my bullets.
Ahhh! Decisions...decisions...decisions..."
Slowly rocking his head, trying to make up his mind, he looked at Daniel who was now sat motionless in his chair. Just his hands shook desperately, as he struggled to breath in even small puffs of air.
Leaning his elbows on the armrest and crossing his legs, Taehyung watched him coldly.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now