Chapter 24 - Love Fights...

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Y/N's PoV

I came out of the bathroom ruffling my damp hair. As soon I stepped out, I was floating in the air in his arms. He spun around slowly. I laughed, my arms wound tightly around his shoulders.
"V! Nooo...please put me down..."
It didn't look like he would stop.
"...V please I'll get dizzy..." I begged as I shut my eyes tightly.
He stopped hearing my plea, and put me back down in the floor.
"Come on somebody's here to see us.."
He clasped my hand and led me out to the dining room.
"Who is it?"
Wondering, I followed behind him.

"Y/N ahhhhhh! Surprise!"
A familiar cheerful voice burst in the air.
"Jin oppa..." I smiled in surprise. I've only met him, once, so I subdued my excitement. But unlike me, a friendly smile gleamed across his face as if he'd known me for years.
"Ahhh! It's such a relief to see you".
He came forward pulling me into an unexpected warm embrace of an older brother.
"How are you?"
He enquired releasing me back.
"I'm good...Thank you. How are you?"
I replied, still a little flustered.
"I'm great! as always!"
He winked.
"Well, looks like your knight in shining armour has saved you safe and sound from all the troubles."
He said as he playfully pinched right my cheek.
I smiled at him after a short glance at V.
"Ah! Could I be expecting any less from him? It's all my training you see."
He whispered leaning closer to me and winked again. I suppressed a giggle.


She seemed happy to be with me. I smiled to myself, content.
"Would you like some smoothie?"
She asked Jin hyung.
"Yes please, but also I want some proper breakfast".
He demanded as usual.
"Of course."
She smiled and turned around looking for something on the dining table.
"Taehyung...What time are we meeting the clients?"
I froze suddenly. My breath got stuck in my chest and I feel my knees turning weak. He also froze realising his mistake looking at my punishing stare.
We both didn't move.

She whined.
Both of our heads turned in synchronization to face her.

I called, my throat dry and voice cautious.

She turned with her lips drooping down. Front of her dress ivory dress was now smeared with thick green stripes.
"Oppa sorry."
she apologized with a sad face, holding the empty smoothie jar in her hands.
"Urgh! I have go and wash again."
She whined in low tone looking at her dress.
She didn't hear us. I breathed out the mounted tension in my chest and glared at Jin Hyung raising my eyebrows.
He mouthed.
I shook my head at him and took the jar from her.
"Ah...y/n ah, It's ok. He doesn't deserve any smoothie. You go and get changed for breakfast."
I sent her out of the dining room.
"Yaaaah! How could you just say that?! That's just unfair!" He yelled as I just ignored him and watched her disappear into the room.

Moments later, she reappeared with a new dress and we all sat together for breakfast. We ate rather slowly, mainly listening to Jin hyung rambling on about many things, including his handsomeness. I rolled my eyes and got up wiping my hands on the napkin. I picked up my blazer hanging on the back of my chair.
"Stay safe...Baby. We will be back in the afternoon ok?"
I leaned and pecked her cheek.
"Ok..." she smiled her cheeks blushing pink.
"Also, don't get carried away and go too deep into the water ok?"
"I know...I'm not a child..."
She mumbled, a little embarrassed after an awkward glance at Jin hyung.
"Ahhhh! Exactly! She's not a child"
He defended.
"Take care y/n! Have lots of fun ok! See you soon." He dragged me by my blazer out of the dining room. I glanced at her and winked before she disappeared from my eyes.

Author's PoV

Taehyung and Jin nodded and waved to their clients as the car drove off. Jin turned and intently stared at Taehyung.
"Well, the meeting is out of the way. Let's get going."
Taehyung shrugged and turned towards their car.
"Ah ah ah! Not so fast Mr Kim Taehyung."
Jin dragged him back by his collar.
"How about a drink before we go eh!"
"Ahhh! Hyung, it's getting late..."
Taehyung whined as he dragged behind him.
"Yaah! It's not even midday, and I know why you are so eager to go back. But, We need to talk."
Jin pulled him back into the restaurant bar where they just had the meeting and ordered two cocktails.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now