Chapter 7 - First Kiss

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Y/n's PoV

There he was. The spell binding killer I was hoping to never see again was right in front of me. He was sat majestically crossing his legs on the single seater sofa like it was his throne. He was leaning to his right as he rested his right elbow on the armrest stroking his lower lip with his fore finger.

I took a good look at him in my frozen state.
Stylishly tousled hair covering most of his forehead, perfectly fitting Gucci suit, polished handmade leather shoes and sunglasses clearly put his wealth on display. He held his head high like he wore some majestic crown of dominance decked with alluring arrogance. It seemed he loves parading it.
There's no way anyone's going to believe me when I tell them he's a murderer, especially in this superficial beauty obsessed society which blindly believes anyone with a beautiful face is an angel. Absolutely no one would take me seriously.

"You left without saying goodbye."
He spoke again in his velvety bewitching voice.
I said nothing. I couldn't feel my limbs. But I could feel my heart, pounding against my chest as if it was trying to rip through me and escape.
"How are you feeling?"
He questioned tilting his head slightly.
I wished I could tell him. My upper body began to tremble very visibly.
A very subtle smile appeared in the corner of his lips as he removed his finger from them.
"I'm sorry. I seem to have startled you."
He got up and I took a step back slamming onto the wall behind me.

"I have something...that belongs to you."
He lifted his left hand holding a fist and released it letting my necklace drop out of his palm, it hung in the air hooked on his ring finger.
My hands naturally travelled to my neck searching for it as they've always done ever since I've lost it.
I mumbled.
"I know."
He stopped in-front of me but still few steps away and held it out to me.
I somehow steadied my shaking breaths. He was talking to me as if I wasn't even there that night when he put a bullet through that poor man's head. Does he even remember it?

I slowly moved forward and quickly took it from him without touching his hands, I didn't want him to see how shaky my hands were. I should really leave as soon as possible, but I couldn't leave without it.
"Is TAE someone special?"
He enquired curiously watching me wear it around my neck in a rush.
I kept my answer short. Now, it was time for me to escape. I looked at the door. He caught my desperate eyes and smirked. I looked down.

"I'm V by the way."
Taking a step forward, he extended his hand for a handshake.
I stumbled back slamming against the wall again.
"I...I won't ...tell...anyone."
I stuttered in fear while my eyes filled with tears.
"About what?"
He frowned as if he had no idea what I was talking about.
But his face lit up after couple of seconds.
"Oh that?"
He made a sign of gun with his hands and pointed at me taking a fake shot making my heart sink.
He clicked his teeth and snickered.
"Oh! don't worry. It's all sorted. I'm not here to see you about that. I wanted to thank you for taking the bullet which was meant for me. The necklace was damaged, so I thought I'd get it fixed for you. You know, to show my gratitude."
He shrugged and paused.
"Uhm...I should get going."
I swallowed and turned.
"Oh...not yet. I'm not finished."
With a wicked smile, he stretched his neck and took off his sunglasses.

Oh my...! I paused from breathing for a moment as my eyes met his laser sharp eyes. It's those eyes again. Piercing through me slicing through every single cell in me. They made me feel powerless and exposed, like I could hide nothing from them. I quickly looked down and instantly regretted not running out of this place as soon as I saw him.

"I need you."
He came closer.
"Wh..what do you m...mean?"
I stuttered staring at him helplessly. I understood what he meant yet I was really hoping I misunderstood.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now