Chapter 6 - Welcome Home...

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Author's PoV

A man in black suit walked hurriedly towards the CEO room of Henney's international Realty. He knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
"Come in" a gentle but manly voice approved.

The man rushed in and bowed before he spoke, "Sir, the target has been missed and our man is down" he said with regret making Daniel slowly lose his soft calm smile.
Daniel: "Dammit! How did he miss him?"
He muttered grinding his teeth while clenching his hands into fists.
"Someone stumbled in front of V just before our man took the shot, so he missed."
Daniel: "Well, never mind. we'll have to put this to rest for a bit before trying anything else. The boy is smart. He would've figured it out already. Leave it with me for now."
He said with his calculating eyes. As the man bowed and left, Daniel turned his chair facing the birds eye view of the busy city through the tinted glass walls of his building.

It took many weeks for y/n's recovery.
Taehyung tried to stay away as much as possible but he found himself almost every night gazing through the glass panels of her room door whilst she was sound asleep. The growing obsession was slowly eating away his patience. She was within his reach but the way things have unfolded, he knew she would hate him the moment she sees him again.
Yet, he was in no position to let her go or even let her out of his sight. Never again.

The doctor flicked through the latest test results of y/n's file as part of his final review before the discharge.
Y/n sat expectantly waiting for him to speak.
Doctor: "Everything looks fine Miss y/n. That's very good. You have recovered well. How are you feeling? Any pain in the wound?"
He questioned carefully.
Y/n: "Uhm...There's slight pain, but really... I feel ok."
She answered confidently hoping she'd be discharged as soon as possible. Weeks of hospitalization and disconnection to the outside world had left her exhausted. She was avidly waiting to get back on her feet. But of course the flickering images of that handsome killer was also lingering at the back of her mind.

Doctor: "It's good to know you are enthusiastic about starting life again."
Y/n: "I can't wait! thank you"
She replied eagerly.
Doctor: "Very well, I think you are ready for discharge. But keep an eye on that wound tho. Good luck Miss y/n."
He nodded as he shook her hands smiling.
Y/n: "I will. Thank you."
She bowed after shaking his hand, her face beaming a wide smile.

As she prepared her bag and grabbed her phone, she paused for a second. The face of the man she fell into when the bullet hit her came to her mind again. She sat down anxiously on the hospital bed. No one had come to see her about anything during her time in the hospital, certainly no police officers. Weirdly, there were no bills for her to pay for the treatments either.

She wondered while searching the news pages on the internet about recent shootings in the city. Nothing relevant seemed to show up, apart from a newspaper article which boasted about the latest government crackdown on the gun crimes. She scoffed softly and closed the page.
Her fingers trailed her neck again and she sighed with sadness. It's not there, and it's not going to appear again just because she searches for it every day from the day she woke up after her operation.
Her necklace bearing the most precious name was not around her neck anymore. She had already cried on the day she gained consciousness and had been scolded by an elderly nurse for putting too much stress on herself.
She could go back to the spot she was shot and look for it. But she knew that the chances of finding it was very slim.

Right now, her priority was to find a place to live, and she abandoned the thought of going to the police. There wasn't any point. If the killer wanted her dead, she wouldn't be alive right now and that thought gave her courage and confidence she needed to step outside. She stood up and straightened her posture before walking towards the ward reception to sign the discharge form.

Y/n stepped out of the hospital with a deep sigh, "Now, where do i even start?!" She thought to her self. She made her way to pick up her belongings from the old flat which has now been rented out to someone else as she hasn't lived there for many weeks. She looked at her phone disappointingly to check if anybody has responded to her accommodation searches she did while she was in the hospital.
Just when she was about to put it back into her handbag, it rang with a new caller number. She answered the call with optimism.
"Hello, Miss y/n?"
Queried a man with a slightly croaky voice.
Y/n: "Yes thats me."
She confirmed.
"You sent a query about my flat I advertised online. Are you still interested?"
He asked after clearing his throat couple of times.
Y/n: "Oh yes, of course!"
She replied immediately with enthusiasm.
"Well, you can come and have a look anytime today."
Y/n: "Can I come now? I'm free."
She requested in the fear of losing her chance.
"Ok, You know the address already. So I see you soon."
Y/n: "Ok, Yes, I do. thanks. See you..."
The line went dead before she even finished thanking him.
She looked at her phone and shrugged.

After taking in a deep breath of fresh air in, she looked up at the sky and smiled. A glimmer of hope shone on her face but soon it faded as she thought of her Tae.

"How am I even going find him in this big city with just a three letter name. I don't even know his full name. I don't even know what he would look like now! Urghh! Y/n! You are crazy!
Hah! What if he has a girlfriend?! Friend zoned forever! Yep! Great! Why am I even expecting him to be in love with me? What were you even thinking y/n when you left Busan?
Ahhh! I can't believe this!
Y/n ah!!You are such a clown in your own fantasy world!"
She whimpered scolding herself, walking slowly towards the bus stop.

Mr. Hope collected the folders one by one as Taehyung finished signing them.
Mr Hope: "Young master, I received a call from the hospital. Miss Y/n has been discharged this morning. She's currently on her way view a flat for accommodation."
Taehyung paused and smiled looking at the folder.
Tae: "Thanks Mr Hope. Get the car ready and send me address".
He ordered as he continued with his signatures.

Once he finished the last folder, he dialled Jin's name on his mobile. Mr Hope collected the folders and bowed before leaving the room.

Jin: "Hello!"
Tae: "Hyung! You want to say Hi to someone special?"
Jin: "Yaah! What? are you setting me up on a date?!"
Taehyung laughed at Jin's questions.
Tae: "Nah...! We are going to see Y/n. I'll pick you up in 10 minutes."
Jin: "Woah! Really?"
Tae: "Yeah. See you soon!"
He hung up with a smirk and grabbed his coat as he made his way to the car.

Y/n knocked on the front door clutching her handbag bag strap and tapping her feet restlessly.
A man probably in his late fifties opened it.
Y/n: "Hello sir! I am Y/n. I'm here to see the flat."
She grinned awkwardly to make an impression. She needed this place otherwise she'd have nowhere to stay today.
"Ahh! Yes, please come in. Feel free to look around as much as you want I can wait outside." He invited her with a forced smile as he stepped out.
"Oh ok. Thank you"
She stepped in after bowing to him.

Y/n's POV

It was a small flat. nice and clean with just the basic furnitures for every area. An open kitchen with electric hob on one side of the lounge while a single seater and a two seater sofas occupied the other end.

I went into the bedroom which was separate. It was fairly small but had an ensuite. I was pleasantly surprised. There were no curtains for the bedroom window though. Hmmm...Odd.
Well, that's no problem at all. I could sort that by today with a trip to a charity shop. They do quite nice used curtains. My mum had always bought very decent things from there.

Ok...This is nice! I like it.
I thought to myself as I walked back out to the lounge.

"Miss Y/n...Welcome!"
I heard an unexpected greeting from a calm, deep, manly voice. No one was here when I entered.

The sound startled me. I jolted and swiftly turned gripping my bag facing the direction where the voice came from.
The moment I saw his face my body turned ice cold and I froze in my position. My feet refused to move like they got stuck to the wooden floor beneath them.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now