Chapter 8 - Captured (15+)

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Author's POV

Mr Hope was reluctant to knock. But he knows failure to do his job would also bring serious consequences. So, he braced himself and knocked on the bedroom door.
The gentle knocks disturbed Tae's focus making him frown as he lay among the sheets admiring his y/n, caressing her soft cheeks and playing with her wavy hair.

Mr Hope: "Young master, I'm...I'm so sorry to disturb you, but we have the weekly business meeting in an hours time".
He spoke carefully through the gap of the door.

Tae: "Cancel it. I'm busy. Don't disturb me until tomorrow"
He replied. His voice clearly showing irritation as he spoke looking at the door.

Mr Hope: "I am sorry Young master, I shall do that", he left with that short reply without risking his luck any further.

The annoyance on Taehyung's face soon faded and the soft smile reappeared as he turned to look at y/n laying next to him, still unconscious.
Tae: "y/n ah... could watch you all day."
He murmured with an unusual childlike, soft giggle at the end.

Few minutes later her eyes slowly started to move beneath her eyelids as she regained herself back.

Y/n' s POV

I could smell fresh linen around me as I lay on my stomach. But there was also another distinct luxurious scent, a woody lavender fragrance entwined with a very sweet note. Even with my eyes closed, I could recognize that manly perfume. It rewound my memories immediately, but I could only remember some of it.

It was the same scent I smelt when I was trapped in his arms as he forced me into unconsciousness. I forced my eyes open and quickly sat up leaning my hands on the pillow. I tried to keep my head up but a terrible headache and dizziness forced me to shut my eyes.

"I told you. Sedatives don't make you feel good".

I heard that familiar velvet smooth voice again, and leaped to the end of the bed grabbing the duvet and covering myself. I almost slid to the floor. But a strong grip on my arm pulled me back. I was suddenly right against his body. I stared at him for a moment trying to come into terms with what has happened and where I was. I felt like I had been asleep for days.

"You've forgotten?"
He smiled softly and sweetly.
"I don't mind reminding you"
He mumbled wrapping his fingers around my neck and gently pulling me towards his lips.
I stared at him cluelessly trying to come back to reality.
He pressed his thumb just under my lower lip opening them slightly. Gently, his lips slipped between mine. He started to kiss slowly and smoothly but soon the aggression was taking over. With soft bites, he kissed faster and deeper. He pushed his tongue in deepening the kiss while his fingers moved to back of my head tugging on my hair.

Once again, keeping my eyes tightly closed, I was fighting to free myself, and the memories flooded back.
Memories of how I was crushed between his body and the wall back at the flat, and how I struggled to free myself.

By this time, his lips advanced to my chin and with short pecks he trailed my jaw lines as I gasped for a breath.
He came back up for more and I pushed him hard before rolling away to the corner of the bed. I pulled the duvet up hiding my whole body and half of my face under it, just showing my eyes. Silently, I stared, trying not to show my fear. He laughed gently looking at me in an admiring manner.

"You only managed to escape because I let you. So delicate. I know I should be gentle, but I really can't help it."
He said with a smile, tucking away the strands of hair that covered my eyes behind my ears.
I slapped his hand away and frowned looking down.

"Anyway, you slept a long time, It's almost night. Freshen up and come for dinner. I will wait downstairs. This monster is hungry."
He winked at me with a smirk while whispering the last sentence. I stared at him in disbelief as he walked towards the door.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now