Chapter 2 - A Birthday Wish

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Author's PoV

A Black Mercedes slowly trailed in behind him. 
"Welcome to Seoul Kim Taehyung."
Jin smirked lowering window and tilting his head out slightly.
"Thanks Hyung."
Said the handsome killer as he broke his stare on his witness and gently kicked the foot of the dead man to check whether there's still life left in him.

Jin questioned.
Taehyung turned with a smirk.

"Nice shot tho. Are you sure one bullet is enough?"
He asked watching Taehyung walk around to the passenger door.
"That's enough for him. I don't like wasting my bullets, I'll save the rest for my special friend."
He smiled looking at his gun.
"Get in. I'll get the boys to clean up".
Jin cocked his head towards the passenger seat. Taehyung nodded.
"Home?" asked Jin looking at the rear view mirror checking the surroundings.
Taehyung replied while peering through the window in the direction where the girl ran.

"How's Korea? Doesn't look like much has changed."
He stated observing the streets through the window.
"You got it. Same old man! But, it's good to have you back."
Jin tapped his shoulders as he drove.

Taehyung remained quiet for almost half of the journey and Jin didn't bother him. Killing isn't normal to both of them. But Taehyung was determined to take revenge with his own hands for his father's death. Jin eased his foot on the gas, watching couple of teenagers carelessly run across the street. One of them wore a white hooded jacket. Taehyung's eyes focused on the one with the white hoodie. It was a boy, not the girl he saw shuddering in front of him earlier. He watched him as they went past them in their car. Somehow he couldn't get her face out of his mind.

"A girl saw me."
He confessed while unwinding the silencer from the gun.
Jin's head turned sharply.
"A girl saw me shooting him. She saw my face."
Taehyung blew into the hole of the silencer as he spoke.
"Aishh! You were supposed to wear your mask!"
Jin snapped.
"I was just caught in the moment a little."
"That's not like you. You let her go?"
"For some reason I did."
He bit his inner lower lip still staring into the hole of the silencer.
"Man! We will have to find her."
Jin said after gently punching the steering wheel with his fist.
"No. I don't think she'll go to the police. She seemed scared enough."
Taehyung breathed.
"Well, Even if she does, we can deal with it. Few bones and the dogs are happy. You know what this place is like."
Jin snickered shaking his head.
Taehyung snickered along and sat back. His smirk disappeared shortly.

"Any updates on the name?"
Taehyung's jaws clenched as he spoke looking at the closed shutters of the street side shops.
"What do you mean? You said not to search. what's bringing this topic up all of a sudden?"
Jin was confused.

Taehyung sighed locking the gun and looking through the window again. He did stop searching, and his heart always scolds him for it. But he's convinced himself there's no point. The pain and abandonment had made his heart numb. Yet, deep inside, his heart have always weeped in pain. Ignoring it, he has preserved to bring back their business following the death of his father.
Tae: "Don't know. Just coming back here brings everything back."
His eyes grew somber.
Tae: "But who keeps promises these days Hyung? It's a bit silly and unreal isn't? She probably wouldn't even remember anything..."
He chuckled as if he wanted comfort himself with that thought.
Jin: "Hm, I don't know. I thought you forgot."
Jin shrugged.

Taehyung scoffed.
Tae: "I try...everyday."
He said after a long pause.
Jin: "Well, I'll get the boys to search again. Maybe we will have luck this time."
Jin said as he braked slowing down on his speed.
Tae: "I don't know hyung!"
He sighed.
Jin: "Why? You scared of her?"
He teased with a chuckle.
Tae: "No, I'm scared of myself."
He rested his head back on the leather headrest as they drove through the streetlight lit city of Seoul.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now