Chapter 25 - A Monster, tamed by Love

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"Y/n ahhh..."
I called her again, following behind her. I tried to unzip my jacket with the hand that had the bandage. the cut on my thumb nudged against the zipper and started to bleed.
I winced in pain flicking my hand. She heard me and turned back. Knowing I got her attention, I decided to overact.
I fell on my knees on the sand holding my bleeding hand with my other hand. She sensed something was wrong and ran back towards me.
"What did you do?!"
She cried exasperated, crashing on her knees on the sand and taking my hand in hers.
"Arghhhh...It's hurts.."
I groaned shutting my eyes as if I was in great pain.
"Oh no! You are bleeding..."
She said with worry while carefully checking the wound.
"Argh! Oww!"
I winced again.
"It's will stop bleeding. Don't worry, I'll put a new bandage on it."
She Comforted while pulling and adjusting the bandage to cover the exposed cut.

I gazed at her with a cheeky smirk. She looked at me and realized I tricked her. The worry on her face slowly disappeared as her lips pursed, unimpressed. But I didn't let it get any further.
"You tricked meee..."
I quickly leaped forward crashing our lips together and shutting her whining.
She still attempted to scold me.

We both fell on the sand. I held her face between my hands and firmly pressed my lips on hers so she couldn't say anything. She grabbed my shirt but didn't really push me away. I continued letting my lips fight against hers. Eventually she gave in, a little moan now and then when I couldn't control myself and my teeth nicked her lips.
I nestled my hips between her thighs as we kissed under the golden rays of evening sun. I stroked her thigh as our lips slid against each other, now more lovingly as if they've made up after their fight. The waves crashed complaining to the shore, birds flying above us chirped their gossips to the clear blue sky. Of course, it was probably about our ill-mannered act on the bed of warm sand.
We didn't care...
...and just continued to kiss rebelliously.

But someone's voice made her jolt and she suddenly pulled away from me.
"Seriously you two! go to your bedroom!"
She pushed me away and sat up and I landed on my back on the sand.
"Ohhh nooo...!"
She covered her face in embarrassment.
"Hyung! You have no manners..."
I shouted at him annoyed for interrupting.
"What? Me?...oh really now? Well, I am please continue with your good behaviour..."
He yelled walking past us towards the villa.
"He's gone...come on baby..."
I pulled her onto me.
"Aish! Nooo stop..." She whined pushing my arm away. Her cheeks blushing golden peach against the glow of sun.
"I don't wanna stop."
I mumbled brushing the back of my fingers against her cheek.
"No got sand all over that bandage. We need to change it, otherwise you'll get an infection."
She pulled me as she got up.
I got up and pulled her closer to me and we walked behind Jin hyung who was far ahead us.

Y/n's PoV

"Urghhh! This is so annoying..."
I grumbled, shampooing my hair for the third time in the shower, trying to get rid of the sand. Eventually I managed get almost all the sand out of my scalp.
I wore my dress and came out of the bathroom after that long painstaking shower session. I could hear V and Jin oppa talking in the lounge as I brushed my damp hair standing in front of the mirror. The maid came into the room to collect the laundry.
Maid: "May I come in My lady?"
She requested very politely after couple of knocks on the partly opened door.
"Of course". I replied with a smile.
She slid in very quietly and began to gather our clothes from the bathroom.
"Oh...!" I suddenly remembered.
"By the way, do you know where I can find the first aid box?"
I queried after putting the brush down.
Maid: "Yes, my lady. I will bring it for to you."
"Yes, please..."
She bowed and left with the laundry basket. I turned back to the mirror wondering wether I should just blow dry my hair. But the weather was warm and I gave up on the idea. 

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now