Chapter 14 - Fallen Monster

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Author's PoV

Taehyung emotionlessly stared at his reflection on the mirror. His black silk robe hung untied on his fine upper body revealing the centre of his chest. His saddened eyes divulged the mourns of his dejected heart quietly weeping in remorse. Her faint cries and whimpers coming through the bathroom door pricked his ears making his penitent heart weaker.

Caught in a storm of emotions, he could now see the face of that sad little boy who wept for days and nights when he lost his little fairy named y/n.
He absolutely despised that weak little boy with a broken heart. So he hid him deep within to redeem himself as this marvellous monster to endure the pain and abandonment.
But there he was again!
The lonely little boy, staring straight back at him. He could no longer look at himself.
With a deep sigh, he slumped into the sofa behind him.
Resting his head back he stared at the dimly lit chandelier.

Immersed in his own world his thoughts wandered...

Tae's PoV

"Y/n...ah...! You have no idea how I feel when you are so close to me. It's a torture! Seeing you bear all that pure love for me and not be able bask in it.
At the same time, I love seeing that love in you, that precious love you keep in your heart for me. There's some sort of strange satisfaction I get, watching your love for your Tae...for a stranger.
Sometimes, out of greed, I just lose control and want to just take it all. And I forget that you're so delicate and my hunger for your love would just crush you, like it did just now.
Time and fate had played their twisted games and pushed us onto two opposite ends.
How am I going to get to you?
Tell me...
Isn't it too late for me to say...I'm your Tae...?"

Author's PoV

With a deep slow exhale he swallowed and slowly opened his eyes.
Now he was afraid. Afraid of telling her that this Monster she hates the most is her Tae. He feared that the moment he confesses to her would be the death of her love she grew for him. He couldn't even imagine losing his most precious possession again, his Y/n. Fate had now weaved its own cunning web trapping him in it. Stuck in this web, the only way out was to make her fall in love with the monster she hates.

He took a deep breath again and exhaled as he sat up. He looked in the direction of the bathroom door. She hadn't come out. The sound of water from the running shower and her weak cries were still continuing. It's been at least an hour, if not more.
He impatiently bit the fingernail of his thumb.
"Aishhh! She really tests me!"
He groused stamping his fist on the chair and getting up.
He grew restless as minutes passed. But there was no sign of her. Just her soft whimpers pulling on his heartstrings.
"Seriously! How stubborn does she have to be...?"
He muttered to himself pacing across the room.

Shaking his head is disbelief he stood still for a moment. He doesn't like giving into anyone for anything. It seemed she's definitely here to put him to the test. He didn't have the courage to face her, but he couldn't admit that to his untamed ego either.

Tutting disappointedly, he walked out of the dressing room, with one of his oversized shirt he picked up from the wardrobe. On his way, he threw it onto the bed before walking into the bathroom.

She was curled into a corner sideways folding her legs and resting her head on the wall. Tightly clutching the necklace, she was still softly whimpering while partly being drenched by the ice cold water from the shower.

Tae: "You gonna stay here all day?!"
He asked raising his deep voice slightly with a frown.
She paused and slightly turned her head in his direction but avoided looking at him. Still angry but also broken. He stared at her and grabbed a bath towel from the shelf. Slapping on the shower button, he stopped the water and threw the unfolded towel on her to cover her body. She stopped crying but didn't react to him. He was remorseful, but his ego wouldn't let him reveal it. He quickly wrapped her quivering body and picked her up in his arms and walked out.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now