Chapter 20 - The Danger

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I was discussing a new business deal with my agent on the phone, as I looked at the city view through the glass windows of my office.
"Well, that's great! It's done as I expected. But I still would like to discuss some of the issues face to face."
A message alert interrupted my conversation. I briefly glanced at it.
A message from an unknown number. I continued with my call, unbothered.
"Invite them to my island, we'll discuss it there in a couple of days with Jin Hyung as well".

I turned to my desk. Mr Hope was running towards my room with distress colouring his face red.
He barged in through the door, out of breath.
He called with sheer panic in his voice. He stopped to catch a breath. Alarmed, I frowned. Something wasn't right. 
"What is it? Mr Hope."
I questioned, my mind on edge.
He paused to take a breath. Patience definitely isn't my strongest attribute.
"Mr Hope!"
I yelled.
"The mansion...the mansion's security has been compromised...Miss y/n..."
He swallowed trying to moisten his dry throat between words.
"What?!" I suddenly became blank.
"Miss y/n..."
He swallowed again testing the little patience I had left.
"What? What happened to y/n?"
I leaped forward gripping his collar. A sudden anxiety haunting my chest. All I wanted to hear was that she's fine.
Before he replied, another message alert popped up again on my phone. Again, a picture message from an unknown number. I slowly let his collar slip away as all my attention was now on the message. It certainly meant something.
"Just tell me!"
I muttered clenching my jaws.

"Miss Y/N's in danger, she's been held at gunpoint by two men in her room. They seem to have entered through the balcony, via the roof".
He started to describe what I saw in the photo message on my phone.
My blood started to boil in rage as my breaths got heavy and heated. A masked man held her mouth covered with one hand while pointing a gun to her head. Her eyes were shut tight in fear, my heart wrenched in pain.
"Who is it?" I snarled at him while my fingers wrapped around the phone tight enough to shatter it.
"Don't know yet, the alert came through our security team few minutes ago. I'm sorry sir."
He dropped his head.

I quickly dialled the mansion phone number.
"Hello? What's happe...?"
"Hello V..."
A very familiar voice resonated through the phone. A voice I knew but didn't expect to hear.
"Do you even know what you've done?!"
I growled at him through the phone.
"Oh V!"
He chuckled snidely.
"That's not how you treat a guest who's waiting to see you in your lovely home".
His every words stirring my anger to erupt.
I hissed with anger.
"Come home my friend, Let's talk."
He calmly proposed. 
"Even if there's a tiniest scratch on her, I will destroy you!"
I snarled furiously.
"Enough boy! Right now I'm ruling this game. So do as I say, know what will happen"
He hung up with a menacing laughter.

Author's POV

His raging scream rocked the thick glass walls of his office. He flung the laptop in front of him against the wall and kicked the table repeatedly with abhorrent anger erupting like a volcano. The table flipped over, and he swung around elbowing and punching the glass doors of his tall cupboard which had black folders stacked against each other neatly. With one blow, he shattered the doors completely.

He breathed in like a dragon about to breath fire.
The phone on the floor lit up as it rang again.
It was Jin.
He picked it up with his nicked knuckles now speckled drops of blood.

"Do you know what he's done?! Do you know what he's done to my y/n? I told you again and again. it was a mistake to keep him alive for this long. I should have killed him that night! I should have..."
He thundered at Jin without any patience.
"Taehyung! Stop it! You have to listen to me. I'm on my way, Don't do anything yet. Just stay there."
He yelled and hung up quickly.
Taehyung slumped into his chair and glared at the destroyed table in front of him. Mr Hope breathed cautiously and carefully trying not to disturb Taehyung.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now