Chapter 3 - The Promise

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Hours passed, I kept looking through the window checking to see if she was coming. Time seemed to move very slowly. The house was very quiet and dull like it was before, it made me lifeless.

"Not here yet".
I sighed and sat down flicking the pages of a book I wasn't really reading. Fear of not being able to hear her laughter and screams made me anxious and restless.

Her excited squeal echoed through the entrance hall making me jump off the sofa in joy.
Within seconds, I flew down the stairs.
I smiled with relief after seeing her there with an adorable grin.
After all, she was the best birthday present I ever had and ever wanted.

"Come on!"
She grabbed my wrist and ran towards the back door leading out to the garden.

Months flew by. Y/n would come early in the morning with her mum. I would patiently wait by the window until her face appears and run out to greet her. After sometime, when her mum finished work, she would leave to go to school with her and come back in the evening.
Her mother worked in the early morning hours and in the evenings in our mansion kitchen. In the evenings, Y/n would stay with me until dinner time while her mother finished work in the kitchen.

I never liked my bedtime. It was the time she kissed me good night and left with her mum and I knew I had to wait until next morning to see her again.

"Speak to the moon. I'll be listening! Night night!"
She would yell every time her mother carried her out of the room. I never really understood it. I would agree by nodding with a smile. Sometimes, I would look out of the window and gaze at the moon wondering if it was actually true.
"Can you really hear me talk? If you can, please tell her I will be waiting to see her tomorrow."
I would quietly mumble before heading back to bed.

During the weekends, we would play all day. She'd tell stories of fairies and angels as we roamed the garden. Under the warm spring sun, we would chase butterflies, search for dandelions to blow in the wind and pretend to fly with the birds.

Every time she sees a wild fruit, she'd pick it and ask
"Taetae, Can I eat this?"
I would gently slap her hand and warn her.

Whether it was a day of bright sun or summer rain, it didn't matter. We played through it all. I thought even sitting down to have my meals was a waste of time.

She never spoke about her father and always talked about her grandmother and all the fairytales and stories of angels she had told her. It seemed her mum and grandmother were her only world and now I had the privilege too. Some nights her mum will have to do extra work and finish late and y/n will stay with me in the study room reading her favourite stories, it was mostly fairytales. She liked the princes and the princesses and the happily ever afters.

I would sit and listen patiently. She would read her favourite stories repeatedly, I didn't mind. I was just mesmerised by the excitement on her face and the way she marvelled like it was the first time she was reading them.

I was happy to be with her, while deep inside dreading the moment her mother would appear and carry her away after apologetically wishing me goodnight.
I didn't like the loneliness that followed her departure, it made me miserable and the silence was unbearable.

"Why couldn't she be here with me? All the time?"
I would wonder while falling asleep listening to my own breath, feeling abandoned.

I was too young to know my feelings, but what I knew was I wanted to be with her every single minute of the day. Loved, cherished and cared. Just play and grow together discovering the wonderful world around us.
Sometimes I would rest my head on her shoulder listening to her voice as she read to me. She would gently pat my cheeks to sleep.

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