Chapter 22 - Hold me close forever...

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Author's PoV

Taehyung called softly, in an impossibly warm tone as he leaped past the man covered in pool of blood.
He knelt in front of her and wrapped her in his arms. His eyes closed with a sigh of relief. She looked up slowly removing her hands from her ears. Her body still quivering uncontrollably. He took his long thick coat off and quickly wrapped her in it. Relieved, she hugged him tightly. With her face buried in his chest, she continued to sob.
"It's ok baby...I got you now, it's ok..."
He held her tight and consoled with soft pecks on her crown.

Coiling her arms tightly around him, she sobbed, traumatised but also relieved. Now, the arms of a familiar monster seemed like a the most safest place in the entire world. She couldn't bring herself to stop. He couldn't bear to watch it any longer.
"Baby...It's ok. I am here now. No body can hurt you...Look at me..."
He gently tucked away the disheveled strands of hair covering her face behind her ears.
"Hey! Look at me."
Lifting her face, he brushed his thumb comfortingly across her cheek. The stream of tears flooded her cheeks again. He swept them away along with the splatters of blood with his long warm fingers.

Slowly opening her eyes she looked towards two men on the floor, but he immediately covered her eyes with his hand.
"No, no. Don't worry about them..."
He cupped her face in his hand and held her against his chest.
"They are gone now. No one's gonna hurt my angel. I got you now, ok... I got you." he comforted not wanting her to witness the carnage he'd caused.
He picked her up in his arms at once.
"Get in and Clear this mess right now, before I kill every single one of you for failing to do your jobs properly!"
He angrily growled at the guards and servants as he walked carrying her in his arms. They all rushed into the room one by one and started cleaning the blood bathed floor while some others hurriedly removed the bodies away. He laid her down carefully. Clinging onto him tightly, she quietly cried pressing her face into his chest. He didn't want to let go of her either and held her as closely as he could.
"Baby...It's ok...I'm here...".
He soothed patting her head and wiping her tears away.

Keeping her wrapped against his chest, he slid out his phone from his coat pocket and dialled Jin.
"Hyung! Everything's under control..."
"All good? Is y/n ok?"
Jin sounded restless.
"Yep! She's ok."
"Alright...I'll go then...I'll catch up with you later".
"You outside?"
"Yeh...well...a few meters away from the main gate, in case you needed a plan B and this world wide handsome."
Jin chuckled.
"Anyways, get some sleep then. I see you tomorrow."
Jin was about to hang up.
"Aaah...Don't act all sentimental now. Really doesn't suit you."
"whatever! I guess you got those four then?"
"Those four?...Yeh yeh...I got them." Jin confirmed.
"Woah! You are good. I like it!"
"Yah! What did you think of this World Wide Handsome?! I'm always good. I got some serious business to deal with now. Speak to you later. Bye". He boasted and cut the call.

Jin came off the phone and looked at his guards who were keeping four men at gun point. They were Daniel's men, stationed just outside the mansion to spy and alert Daniel. Jin walked while sliding his hands in his trousers' pockets and stood in front them.
He tilted his head.
"Sorry boys...your boss isn't coming back".
He announced proudly with a soft snicker.
"Finish them off and get home boys. Don't disturb the neighbors tho". He ordered to his men and walked away.
A minute later, the engine of his black Mercedes revved before shooting down the dark street. After four metallic clicks, the men who had hands tied to their backs, face planted on the tarmac. A small bird from the nearby silver birch flitted away as it sensed the minacious night.

Y/n's PoV

I slowly opened my eyes. Fully wrapped in his coat, I had my arms around him. I looked at the clock, it was past midnight. I breathed slowly in relief, feeling his arms wound securely around me. Everything happened so quick, I almost felt like I woke from a bad dream.
He was fast asleep. I didn't want to move and wake him up. I must admit, his warm embraces have now become my remedies. A strange feeling of protection as if no one could hurt me while I'm in his arms. I lay still without moving for few minutes, but my dry throat was increasingly becoming an inconvenient. I wiggled slowly and carefully, releasing myself from his hold and sat up. After taking his long coat off, I slowly tried to slide off the bed.
He suddenly turned.
I paused with my feet almost touching the floor.
I watched him, frozen. He didn't wake up.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now