Chapter 28 - The Answers

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Author's PoV

Her breath halted for a moment as his question arrowed through her heart.
"How do you know I...?"
"Jin Hyung told me. He said you left Seoul and went to Busan. I guessed that's how you ended up losing him."
He answered before she could finish her sentence.

She remained silent unable to speak, her breaths slowly grew heavier.
"I didn't know I was leaving him for this long. Grandma had a stroke and became bed bound. We left as soon as we found out. Mum was her only child and had to stay with her to look after her. I couldn't understand the seriousness of it all at the time.
I would cry every night asking mum take me back to Seoul. She'd always say "tomorrow". But that tomorrow never came and I would cry to sleep every night."
Her voice gradually crumbled in her throat as she spoke.
"Days grew into months and eventually into years. I stopped asking her. I went to sleep with his memories and woke up with them. They carried me through the days and nights. I didn't let anyone come near me. I didn't want to make any friends in school. I didn't want to let anyone to take his place or replace his memories. I rewind them in my mind every single day, so that they never fade."
She paused, a much needed pause for both of them.
"What happened to your mum?"
His voice was mellow and quiet.
Y/n sighed deeply.
"She worked like a slave to pay for my studies even after Grandma passed away. She had cancer but didn't tell me for years. She didn't want to distract me from my studies. I had to carry on for her. Because just like Tae was my dream, I was hers. I couldn't break it. She passed away last year."
"I'm sorry..."
His was voice a strengthless whisper.
"Don't worry", she sighed deeply.
"She's probably up there, looking at us."
She said in a slightly perky tone, pointing to the stars in the sky. But sadly, soon another deep sigh stole the bit of life rising in her voice.
"Well...that's the story of my life. Sorry, it's a bit boring."
She laughed softly wiping her tears away.
He budged a little closer.
"No...It's not boring."
"Where are your parents?"
"No more..."
"Oh...they are probably up there too looking at us. You see those two bright ones, that's probably your mum and dad..."
He gently laughed at her consoling words.
"Do you still believe in this sort of thing?"
She softly laughed.
"Hm...It may not be true, but we have to make up something to comfort ourselves right. It gives me some kind hope that somebody's up there watching over us. I like that."
He kept silent, he couldn't disagree.

"I wonder if he's ok..."
She mused.
"I'm sure he's doing ok..."
"I hope so. I know he wouldn't have been ok after I left. It kills you inside when you know the person you miss the most will miss you even more."
Her soft voice trembled.
Taehyung let out a deep long sigh. She was right. He wasn't ok. He turned and leaned above her and kissed on her forehead. She held his cheeks between her hands. He moved down to her lips and kissed her gently. The sharp cold breeze made them both shiver.
"Y/n... It's getting cold. We should go."
He whispered on her lips, his face still in her hands.
"Can we stay just a little longer?"
He softly laughed gazing at her.
He laid back on the grass, next to her.
"So...Why do you love him so much?"
He questioned.
Y/n smiled to herself.
"I don't know...He was something special.
But...vulnerable and lonely. The first time I saw him, he was crying and sad. But he smiled when he saw me. From that moment, I didn't want to see that smile disappear from his face ever again. I wanted to make him happy. We both wanted to make each other happy, not caring about ourselves."
She softly giggled to herself.

"We were too young understand what it was that's between us. One evening, He gave me this necklace and asked me to promise him that I would never leave him.It was almost like we got married that night under the moonlight. I always laugh thinking about it now."
"Hey! that's not funny. I think You did marry him that night."
He said with a childlike stubbornness.
"You know what's even more funny. I don't even know his full name. Tae...that's all I know to this day..."
Taehyung smiled to himself.
"Well, maybe you will find out his full name when you meet him."

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now