Chapter 4 - The Broken Promise

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Taehyung's PoV

"You ok son?"
My father enquired with concern while wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"I'm fine."
I answered plainly hugging Toto against my chest and sheltering myself under his arms, as we drove out.
I just couldn't wait for everything to be over and to be back.

The funeral, the goodbyes, the tears and the meetings with relatives sharing the sorrow, all happened so quickly within a week but for me it was the longest week of my life. It was filled with despair of losing grandpa forever and the longing to see y/n. I slept hugging Toto every night wondering what y/n will be doing at the same time, comforting Toto and myself that we'll see her again soon. It was nearly autumn. Cloudy days meant the moon was hardly there to share my sorrow.

I didn't want to keep bothering dad about when we will be going back, he was going through a lot already and I was mature enough to understand that my questions will only make things worse.

It was the morning of the second week at grandpa's house, I was having my breakfast sluggishly as dad appeared from his room. He seemed a little upbeat like he was recovering slowly.

"Good morning my Taehyung, are you ready to go home?"
My father's voice was energetic again.

I suddenly sat straight up with life.
"yes! are we going back?" I questioned thrilled.

"Yes Taehyung, too many things got held up with business. I need to fly to Japan tomorrow morning. So I'll drop you home before I go. Are you happy to go?"

"Oh yes! Of course dad" I exclaimed.

"That's my boy, are sure you will be ok?"
He asked with concern.

"Yes, I'll be fine Dad, y/n is there"
I smiled with confidence.

"Ok then, let's finish breakfast and get ready"
My father smiled.

I suddenly got impatient and gobbled my breakfast in just a few mouthfuls finishing it off and ran to the dressing room to get myself ready. I picked up Toto and got into the car eagerly.

"Let's go and see y/n Toto!" I sighed in relief and relaxed sitting back in the seat after all the rush of getting ready.

As soon as the car came to a stop, I winged into the house calling her name.
It was a Saturday. Her mother works all day, so I knew she'll be here.

"Taehyung careful!..." I heard my father shout through the window.

"Y/n!!!" I called out with all my strength while my eyes searched every corner of the living room. Hm, maybe the reading room. I was preparing to run.

"Oh Young master! Welcome back."
The butler Mr Wong, bowed with a polite smile, coming in my way.

"Mr Wong, where's y/n?"
I asked while catching my breath.

"Young master, I'm afraid y/n is not here today."

"But, it's Saturday, she has no school. She should be here. Are they running late?"
I said with confidence walking towards the reading room.

"Young master, y/n hasn't been coming here for the last few days and her mother has resigned her job 3 days ago due to some emergency."
I turned back after hearing him.

"But did she say when she will come back?"
My breath was getting uneven and shallow as I suddenly started to feel nervous.

"I am afraid not, young master. One of our maids went to give y/n's mother her last wages, but she was told they have vacated the flat on the day she resigned her job. That's all we know, I am sorry"
He finished regretfully.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now