Chapter 13 - The Monster in him [15+]

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Author's POV 

Taehyung clenched his Jaws with a deep breath and moved back from y/n's face. She stood anxiously with her eyes shut tight.
"What is is it Mr Hope?"
He questioned calmly examining her face.
She opened her eyes realising he's moved back. She breathed in relief.

Mr Hope opened the door assuming that Taehyung's question was an approval for him go in.
Sometimes, he was just too enthusiastic about his job.
So, He walked in as he spoke,
"...Master V, Mr park ha..."
He froze midway his sentence gaping at Taehyung who stood there covered in chocolate. He couldn't see y/n as she was stood behind Taehyung.

"Oh! Master V! have...Oh! what happened to your face?"
He laughed not able to stop himself and quickly steadied himself realising he wasn't supposed to act like that. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
This was y/n's chance to escape, so she pushed Taehyung out of the way to run.
Mr Hope: "Ooh! Miss y/n! You also...uhm..."
He gaped his eyes again looking at y/n and then at Taehyung again. She stopped and quickly bowed to him before running out. He bowed back and looked down confused.

With a soft chuckle, Taehyung watched her run. His expression quickly changed into an irritated glare when his eyes fell on Mr Hope. He folded his arms and leaned against the worktop.
"Should I remind you to speak Mr Hope?" He asked in a cold voice while raising his right eyebrow.
"Errr...Yes...I mean No...young master."
He stuttered.
"Please forgive me Master V...errr...where was I...?"
He took a moment to pull himself together.
"Ah yes!"
He remembered.
"About Mr Park, he wants to meet you urgently to discuss his options on selling his company shares"
" he finally gave in".
Taehyung turned and picked up a small knife from the knife stand as he spoke.
"Well, that's great news, arrange for a meeting tomorrow, we will discuss it". He ordered while examining the sharpness of the knife by running his thumb against its shining edge.

"Sure Young Master", He  nodded and bowed before turning to leave.
"One more thing Mr Hope..."
Taehyung stopped him.
"Yes Young Master?" He turned.

The knife in Taehyung's hand hurled past him as soon as he turned to face him. He felt the puff of air blast the side of his head as it swished past him through the gap between his right shoulder and ear, less than an inch away from him before planting itself onto the wooden kitchen door behind him.

"Next time you disturb me like this, remind me if you have a death wish, because I would like to fulfill it before I kill you"
Frozen like a statue in shock, Taehyung's words didn't even reach Mr Hope's ears.
"I did aim for the door. Next time, it'll be your forehead."
He gave a warning before walking out causally with his hands in his pockets.

"Are you alright Mr Hope?!"
The maid dashed in worried about her baking duties she had to abandon halfway.
"Ahhh! Look at the mess these two have made! I have to start all over again!"
She whined to herself quietly.

"Aishhhh! I'm stood here after almost being killed! You are not worried about me?!"
He yelled loudly losing his senses and suddenly reduced the volume of his voice realising Taehyung was still in the house.
"Why? What's wrong? You look fine to me. Just a little sweaty."
She gave him an unworried glance before grabbing a kitchen towel to wipe the mess.

Mr Hope gulped tightening his lips and exhaled.
"Aaaaaaish! This was not on my job description when I applied!".
He repeatedly slapped his forehead with the folder he held in his hands.

He paused suspiciously scrunching his eyebrows at the maid.
Mr Hope: "Ajumma! Why didn't you tell me about this?"
He questioned as if it was her plot to kill him.
"Ahhh....I was going to stop you. But you were too quick to go in. What could I do?"
She whined wiping the worktop.
Mr Hope turned and stared at the knife for few seconds.
"You know he doesn't like being disturbed when he's with Miss y/n."
She nudged him with her elbow as she walked past him to the sink.
Mr Hope shook his head to get rid of the thought of the knife planting on his forehead.
Mr Hope: "Yes! Thank you, I definitely know that now!"
He grumbled as he walked out of the kitchen.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now