Chapter 15 - A Sweet surrender

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Y/n's POV

Few hours later...

I slowly opened my eyes and uncovered the blanket covering my head. It was amazingly warm and comfortable, I didn't really want to move. But I found myself cuddled in his arms with my head against his chest.
I paused immediately. How did I even end up hugging him?! The deep sleep seemed to have made me incapable of remembering anything.

I ran my fingers down the buttons of my shirt. It was still buttoned up. He was fast asleep, so I moved as slowly as I possibly can releasing myself from him. I got off the sofa bed and looked at him. He looked completely different to the animal he was few a hours ago. Somewhat fragile and loving. My hands really wanted to just reach out and stroke his cheeks. I found myself mesmerised and ended up gazing at him for longer than I expected. I took a breath, and forced myself to stop feeling any forms of positive feelings towards him. His feet were uncovered, so I pulled the blanket to cover them and left quickly heading to the reading room.

The longer I stayed there gazing at him, the closer something was creeping into my heart. I was so certain of that. But I couldn't quite figure out what that feeling was. Sympathy? maybe. I wasn't quite convinced. I sighed, and pulled out a book with black hard cover to keep my mind occupied. It was thin enough to finish in few hours.
Making myself comfortable on the brown leather sofa, I opened it trying to sway my mind off its lost journey.

"Hmmm. That ending wasn't as good as I expected, but never mind".
I closed the book with a deep breath and looked at the clock. It's been two hours.

Tucking it back into the shelf, I naturally started to look for another one I could read. My fingers stopped running through the decked books as I heard a soft humming. My eyes searched through the gaps of the shelves to find the answer. It was him. I slowly stepped backwards on my toes trying to hide myself among the shelves. Brushing his hair gracefully with his long fingers he disappeared between the shelves. I couldn't see him anymore.
I slowly made my way towards the door and cautiously paused before walking towards it.
But as I waited, I could feel his arms slowly coiling around my stomach. With a startled breath I bit my lips disappointed with myself. I felt his body gently press to the back of mine.

"Found you!"
He said with a soft playful giggle.

"Mmmmnnnn..." he moaned softly snuggling his face into the side of my neck.
"I know where you are just by your scent". He whispered on my neck with a soft chuckle as I stood in silence.
"Y/N aahhh...Why did you leave me?"
My heart skipped a beat hearing his question. It tugged on my heart shaking it slightly before I composed myself. A question I have a lot of explanation to do when my Tae asks me. But why am I shaken when he's asking me? He only meant why I left the cinema-room.
I stood still bewildered. My heart was suddenly engulfed with that same unknown feeling I was still trying to figure out earlier. But I struggled immensely. Staying frozen in his warm hold, I fought to drive that feeling away but it seemed too late and now I needed to try even harder.

"Talk to me, please."
He begged. I didn't budge.
He turned me around as I was unresponsive to his attention seeking request. He bent and tucked himself on my chest and guided my arms to wrap around him. He wasn't forceful but needy. He wanted my attention.
"y/n ahhh...Are you mad at me?"
I didn't answer.
"baby...please.... talk to me. I wanna hear your voice."
He begged still keeping himself enfolded in my arms. He softly kissed my scar and pressed few more kisses on my neck. I still didn't respond and he slowly pulled away.
"will you read for me?"
He requested Stroking my cheek and looking into my eyes. His request weakened me.
"what do you want me to read?" I asked him hiding my awe.
"So you will?"
He asked with a desperate smile.
I nodded after a deep sigh.
"Read me anything...It doesn't matter" he answered impatiently as his His eyes yearningly searched all over my face. I couldn't understand his behavior.
Also, I couldn't decide whether I should be scared or surprised.
He was a mystery.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now