Chapter 27 - Why did you leave?

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Author's PoV

"Y/n ahhhh...y/n...."
He yelled scurrying and searching every corner of the villa. There was no sign of her anywhere. He panted running back into the bedroom.
His mind was slowly losing its focus. Standing still he breathed and looked around the room. Her clothes were still on the floor where he dropped them earlier. His eyes moved to the empty bed and then to the bedside table. A sudden glimmer of hope brought his breaths back when his eyes fell on his phone. He ran to his phone. His hands trembled as he pressed his thumb to unlock it and opened the tracker app.
"Baby...where are you?"
He hissed breathlessly with desperation as it loaded showing her location. His breathing halted when the red pointer flickered and stabilised to a static red dot. She was outside, in the open sea, just a few hundreds meters away from the deep water.
His chest dropped as he realized.
"No...No...y/n ahhhh...don't you dare!"
He dropped his phone on the wooden floor and ran towards the stairs leading down to the water from the balcony.

He suddenly stopped in front of the first step leading down to the shallow waters. Something glimmered on it. It was her necklace. The broken heart that beared his name, abandoned. He took it in his hand and looked towards the sea while panting for air.
He called, running down the stairs into the sea as pouring rain soaked his half naked body in an instant.
The lights of the villa only helped him to see little further from the stairs. The deep, dangerous, unsettled sea was cloaked in darkness.
"Y/n ahhhhh"
Searching around, He yelled with pain in his voice. Just the crashing waves and the raindrops greeted him back.
"Y/n...! y/n...!"
He wailed again, not knowing what to do.

"y/n ahhhhhhh..."
He screamed again with all his might.
It was almost like the sky had heard him. Two continuous flashes of lightening lit the sea around him in bright white light for just for a fraction of a second. He saw her. The water was almost up to her waist. She was still, allowing the restless waves which were crashing onto her small shuddering form in a dangerous quest to engulf her.

"y/n! What are you doing?!"
He shouted running towards her. A loud thunder rumbled rocking the earth again calling on his behalf. Running against the aggressive sea wasn't easy for him but he persevered and when the depth of the water was enough, he began to swim.
The two servants resting in their suite heard his screams and came running to the balcony.
"Y/n...stop...stay where you are!"
He yelled, swimming desperately towards her. She couldn't face him, the pain of leaving him was unbearable. Yet, the pain of breaking her most cherished promise was killing her inside. She wasn't moving, but she'd made sure it was dangerous enough. He continued relentlessly. By the time he was unable to feel his limbs, he was close. He took another painful stroke with his left arm before his right arm wrapped around her stomach and pulled her backwards. He came out exhausted and gasping for air.
Wiping the water off his face, he pulled her against his body and held her tight.
"What are you you doing here? It dangerous!"
He growled on her face breathlessly. Her eyelids fluttered against the cold slashing raindrops as she stared at him. She was wearing one of his t-shirts, a black one that covered to middle of her thighs.
"I...I just wanted with the fishes."
She said as her body shuddered against the unforgiving tropical rain. His eyes softened at her terrible lie. Her lips trembled, tears pouring like the rain. His anger and frustration melted away and he hugged her tightly.
"They won't come out now, it's too dangerous."
He said with relief holding her in an inescapable embrace.
"Don't ever do this to me again. I've suffered long enough." 
He mumbled sadly against her crown. She whimpered quietly against his chest and his tears silently united with the rain.

"Master V..."
The two servants called out, swimming towards them.
"Master V...we should go, the tides are rising. It's dangerous, please."
They warned  pulling them closer towards them. Once they reached the shore, he lifted her in his arms and carried her out of the water.

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