Chapter 16 - The ball...

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Author's PoV

Y/n slouched her shoulders with a long face as she stared at her reflection on the mirror.

The senior maid tied the ribbon which held the upper part of her dress together behind her neck. The long red dress with an open back wrapped around her body beautifully flaunting her perfect figure. The maid gently pressed on her shoulder and slowly sat her down in front of the mirror, so she could start the makeup.

Y/n: " Ajumma, I don't want to go"
She mumbled sadly.
The maid paused for a moment and smiled at her.
Maid: "Miss Y/n...Master V wouldn't be very happy if you are not ready on time, please understand". She continued with her work.
Y/n: "I don't want any of this..." she stopped maid's hand which held the makeup brush.
The maid didn't want to respond but she couldn't ignore y/n either after seeing a tear from her eye interrupt her from putting on the blush. She placed the brush on the table and looked at y/n.
Maid: "Don't be sad Miss Y/n. I think Master V loves you but he just doesn't know how to show it. Like I said before, he has never been with a woman before."
Y/n sighed looking at the mirror.
Y/n: "I...I don't... love him."
She spoke quietly. It was more like she was asserting herself.

The maid put her hand on y/n's hand softly to reassure her and patted y/n's face with the powder sponge.
Y/n smiled at her helplessly.

Maid: "My goodness! You look like a princess!"
She marvelled and adjusted y/n's updo with satisfaction.
Y/n: "Thank you". She smiled with a deep anxious breath.

Tae: "Are we done?"
Taehyung's voice interrupted both of them making y/n lose her smile.
He was already dressed in a well fitted tailored suit with his hair brushed back neatly. Appearing gentle and alluringly handsome, he stood smiling brightly like a Prince Charming as if the shadows of the monster had been lifted off him.
Slightly amazed, y/n quickly looked down to avoid looking at him.
His eyes fell on her right away and remained fixed solidly on her. Feeling his stare, y/n slowly hid herself behind the maid.
Maid: "Yes master V."
She bowed and slowly walked out of the room.

Keeping his eyes on her and scanning her carefully he walked behind her. Not being able to resist, his fingers trailed on her exposed back and slowly made their way up her soft skin. She squirmed resting one of her hand on the dressing table. He moved closer to her body  as his fingers reached the back of her neck.
Tae: " This dress is showing off too much of what's mine". He spoke close to her neck and greeting it with his warm breaths.
He pulled out the floral hairpins holding her updo together letting the long soft curls fall apart to cover her back.
Tae: "That's better".
He said turning her around to face him lifted her face by the chin.
Tae: "Being this beautiful should be a punishable crime."
He whispered with yearning, leaning closer to her face. Intimidated by his statement, she moved back batting her lashes and squeezing her shoulders together tensely.

Tae: "Hmmm...But I'll let you off"
He winked with a playful chuckle and pulled her closer to himself.
Tae: "Come, let's enjoy the night."
Wrapping his arm around her, he led her out of the dressing room. Y/n lifted her dress elegantly and walked with him keeping her eyes on the floor.

Taehyung held out his hand as y/n got off from the car. She adjusted  her dress while looking around hesitantly. But he grabbed her wrist firm and made her lock her arm around his. With a quick glance around the place, he walked in with great confidence.
However, discomfort started grip y/n tighter and tighter as she walked passed other guests with Taehyung. All the envious and curious stares from the unknown faces around the Villa made her want to just run and hide.

"Who is she all of a sudden?"
"Wow! She's beautiful"
"They look perfect together"
Mumbles and whispers resonated among the clusters of guests scattered around the villa. Y/n walked slower hiding herself behind him after taking a deep breath.

Monster Love [21+] - Taehyung FF - NEW VERSION *[REDRAFT IN PROCESS]*Where stories live. Discover now