Chapter 18 - My Belle... [18+]

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Y/n's PoV

I sat quietly watching brown leaves sewn between the green threads of grass. It was a little cold. But I really wanted to sit outside among the green.

I've already finished reading the book on my lap. Beauty and the beast, my favorite fairy tale of them all. It's only about sixty pages so I usually get through it very quickly. I was surprised to find this in his collection of books. But, I'm certain he hadn't touched any of them. They are neatly stacked in their shelves. The servants must have been just dusting to keep them clean, the neat straight line of dust between the books whenever I moved one proved it. I guess none of them pulled out one even just to see.

I've been wishing not to see him today and hoped to fall asleep before he's home. I really would like to avoid another reading session. My intentions of avoiding him altogether was also causing turmoils in my heart.
I sighed and looked up.
The dark grey clouds have been busy, stacking themselves against each other to hide the blue sky. Rain is coming, I thought as the wind grew chillier than it was a few minutes ago.

"Hello my Princess!"
His smooth voice startled me. It also sounded soothingly warm to my ears. I paused before looking at him. It took me a moment to remember the things he had done so I could quickly remind myself that I hated him.

I turned with a frown. I didn't like being called 'Princess'. I didn't want to be HIS princess. He replied with a warm smile to my disapproving frown. Soon the falling drops of rain also decided to disturbed me. Suddenly, the breeze grew even colder and I started to shiver. I got up tightly holding the book against my chest and trotted towards the back door. But the pace of the rain was faster than mine.

Aish! I had enough warnings.
Silently, scolding myself, I resided seeking shelter under the long wooden rose arches. The bushes had overgrown stopping any drops of rain falling in.

Catching my breath, I stood watching the rain grow little more heavier with every second.
Where is he? I wondered surprising myself with my own thoughts. I glanced to see. He was walking towards the arches, but very slowly, fully drenched. I pursed my lips, disappointed.
Part of me wanted to run and pull him away from the rain. I fought the feeling off and tucked myself away from few droplets of rain slipping in through the leaves above my head.

I could see him in the corner of my right eye at the entrance of the arches. I stood still staring at the dry ground beneath me. He walked towards my way and I looked away to the other end.
He stood in front of me, watching me for a moment before running his fingers on the back of the book I held against my chest.
"In every fairy tale the Princess falls in love with a Prince Charming..."
He softly murmured.
"But in this one, she falls for a Monster."
I looked a him sheer awe. He knew the exact reason why I loved it.
"A Monster is just a Prince Charming with a broken heart. Can't you see?"
He leaned forward, his eyes searched into mine longingly.

My heart sank as I heard him speak. I looked down before he could see the empathy that's drowning my eyes and he took advantage of it.
His cold wet fingers trailed my left cheekbone before making their way to my chin.

"Will you lift the curse before all the petals fall? My Belle..."
He murmured longingly after lifting my face by the chin. My lips parted as I gazed into his begging orbs, all lost.
He brought his forehead against mine, pressing gently our lips came closer, far too close to part away.
His eyes closed. He was waiting. Closing my eyes I stayed where I was, not moving away from him.

Oh! it must be the calming sound of rain pittering on the leaves that's making me feel this way. So lost yet somehow tranquil.
Or could it be the warmth radiating off his chest and his soothing warm breaths feathering my cold cheeks?

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