Chapter One

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"Yo, you comin' to the Wild game tonight?" My
friend asked me while we sat down in our lecture hall for our advanced calculus class.

I shrugged. "I'm not all that big into hockey," I said. "I might just go to see the cute guys," I added with a soft chuckle.

She laughed as she took out her blue textbook for the class and her notebook. "I completely understand. Do you know Mitch Marner for the Maple Leafs? He's a snack." she said, which made me laugh.

"Actually, I don't." I firmly told her before our professor began our lecture for the day.

After the class was over, my friend and I decided to make our way to downtown Minneapolis for a snack and to have some study time. I used this time to look up the Minnesota Wild roster, just for a reference on who's who and which ones were actually somewhat cute.

"How about number thirty-three?" I said as I turned my computer around to show her.

She nodded her head. "There's definitely better ones on the team," she chuckled.

I laughed as I sipped my blueberry flavored bubble tea. "I know. Alex is his name. He's from Minnesota," I mentioned. She just nodded in response.

I clicked on another link that brought me to a player with the number forty-six. "How about him? His name's Jared," I said as I turned my computer once more to show my friend.

She bit her lip. "Damn, he's fine." she said.

I laughed as I turned my computer back around to face me. I clicked another link that brought me to another player, this time with the number ninety-seven.

"This guy's Russian," I said. "He's actually not that bad,"

My friend nodded her head. "Message him." she insisted.

I scoffed. "If he understands what I'm saying. Besides, I don't need a boyfriend that plays hockey. Football boys are where it's at," I said as I got more comfortable in my cushioned seat.

She laughed. "That wasn't a lie," she said.

We continued laughing before I examined the photo of the Russian dude on my screen.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to shoot my shot? Clearly he knew how to at a young age, he won the Calder trophy last year in his first NHL season.

I took out my phone and looked him up on Instagram, and my god, he looked even cuter and sexier. Probably because of his blonde hair. Boys like that are one hundred and one times more attractive when they have cuts like that.

I sent him a message in both English and Russian (obviously using a translator 'cause I know absolutely no Russian whatsoever).

hey there! You might get a bunch of messages like these from fans, but I would seriously appreciate it if you replied back! Say, what's your favorite color?
Привет! Вы можете получить кучу таких сообщений от фанатов, но я был бы очень признателен, если бы вы ответили! Скажи, какой твой любимый цвет?

I felt a smile widen across my face as I set my phone back down in the cup holder.

My friend smirked. "Well?" she asked.

"Well what? Did you send a message to Jared?" I smirked back as I opened a new tab on my desktop to search some things to order for my dorm.

She rolled her eyes. "Only if you tell me what you sent to that Kirill dude. The one with the flowing, blonde hair?" she asked.

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