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I would like to thank every single one of you who supported The Minnesota Miracle. Even if you had given up on reading it, I still would like to thank you for giving my book a chance. Not everyone is going to like it, and that's alright. What floats your boat is best!

Thank you to those who have stuck with me since I mass published the first ten or so chapters of this. It's amazing how much you can write in less than ten months. I'm talking like, a hundred thousand words and such. That's a lot.

Thank you to those who had voted and commented on my chapters. I seriously appreciated the extra support to keep my book going, and I hope you find my future works as exciting as The Minnesota Miracle was. Though it may not be about Kirill, I hope you consider reading my future works that I have planned for later in the year! <3

And to give credit where credit is due, all pictures are from Pinterest or the Minnesota Wild social media pages (whether that be Instagram or Twitter). However, some of them are pictures that I took myself like the Greece picture and the banner image for this part.

I honestly loved writing this book. Maybe the last few chapters have been a little iffy, but regardless I enjoyed writing and developing Kenzie's character as she progressed through her relationship with a Russian hockey player who just wants to play hockey and get better every day. Sometimes I got jealous at Kenzie because I wish I was her in some situations with Kirill. I love Kirill, can't you tell?

Anyways! That's all I have. Thank you all again, and I hope you read my future works regardless if they are about Kirill or Matt or anybody else on the Wild. Maybe I will write another SHORTER Kirill fanfic ;)

 Maybe I will write another SHORTER Kirill fanfic ;)

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^ some of my favorite KK pictures <3 ^

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^ some of my favorite KK pictures <3 ^

The Minnesota Miracle [kirill kaprizov]Where stories live. Discover now