Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I closed my eyes, then immediately opened them back up in realization to what had just happened.

I broke away faster than me running to the local ice cream shop on a hot, dry, summer day.

"We shouldn't be doing this, Matt. I belong to Kirill, and you know that,"  I frantically told him as I wiped the saliva off of my mouth.

He smirked. "Says the one who wanted to kiss me," he said.

My heart dropped. I guess he was kinda right.

Although I didn't kiss him because I wanted to. I kissed him because he needed it to get his ex-girlfriend off of his mind. There is a difference.

Matt sighed as he shoved his hands into his sweatshirt pocket. "Look, let's just keep this to the two of us. This will probably be the one and only time we kiss. Your mouth belongs to Kirill, not me." He told me with an awkward smile.

I took a deep breath. "Of course, Matt. I understand. I don't want to put mine and Kirill's relationship in jeopardy, especially after he literally just proposed to me," I responded as I glanced at the locker room door. I glanced back at Matt.

He nodded his head. "Alright. Thanks, Kenzie. Thanks for everything, really," he said.

"Yeah, no problem. Just know we're not sneaky links or anything. The kiss was just to calm you down," I told him.

He chuckled. "It did more than just calm me down," he said before opening the door. He waved to me before entering the locker room again and closing the door behind him.

My smile faded into a guilty frown as I looked down at my feet standing on the smooth concrete. I shoved my hands into the pockets of the corduroy jacket and kicked a pebble down the concrete.

What if Kirill found out about his teammate, whom he's known for three years now, and his own fiancée kissing outside of the Wild locker room?

I sighed and waited for Kirill to come out of the locker room.

The car ride home was quiet and awkward, to say the least.

The Matt Boldy kissing thing was still very much bothering me, and I couldn't seem to get it off of my mind. Not because Matt was a good kisser, it was because of my motivation to kiss another guy when I'm someone else's fiancée.

"Are you tired?" Kirill asked, immediately breaking the silence that had filled the car for so long down the road.

I sighed. "A little bit," I muttered as I looked outside into the clear, starry sky that laid above the Twin City metropolitan area.

I heard him take a small deep breath before turning off onto our road.

Kirill could tell that something was up, but he probably wanted to wait until we got back to his apartment. In the meantime, I had to come up with something so I didn't accidentally tell him I had just mouth-kissed Matthew Boldy.

"Congratulations on the accomplishment," I said as I glanced over at Kirill's neutral expression as he was focusing on the road.

"On what?" He questioned as he briefly looked at me before turning into the parking lot to the apartment complex. "The hat trick?"

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