Chapter Nineteen

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The security checking lines were full of Wild and Avalanche fans, and everyone was eager to enter the Xcel Energy Center for the 2022-23 home opener for the Minnesota Wild.

"I'm hyped," I said. "Kirill's been talking nonstop about his excitement about today,"

Story giggled. "He should be excited. Lots of hockey coming his way!" She exclaimed.

Anthony chuckled. Story brought him along, which I didn't mind. At least I have a boyfriend that is on the ice rather than sitting next to his girlfriend getting drunk.

"So, how long have you and Kaprizov been together?" Anthony asked. "I know I saw you guys at the one dance at the end of the school year but Story was being a bitch," he asked as he glared at his girlfriend.

She rolled her eyes.

I chuckled. "A little over ten months. We started dating in December of last year," I answered.

He laughed. "And still going strong," he said.

"Yup. Though Kirill is a literal pain in the ass sometimes," I mentioned with a smile.

"It's the Russian accent, isn't it?" Anthony guessed.

I shook my head. "Actually, no. I've gotten used to his accent to the point where I can basically mock him whenever he pisses me off," I responded, then the line started moving through the security checkpoints.

"Don't you have a ticket?" Story asked me as she pulled out her phone.

I pulled out the green lanyard out of my back pocket. "I have a pass," I told her as I showed her.

Both Story's and Anthony's eyes widened in curiosity.

"Damn, how much did that cost you?" Story asked.

I shrugged. "Kirill got it for me. Apparently it was a 'team gift,' whatever that meant." I told her.

Story glared at me. I didn't mean for it to be rubbed in their faces, they just asked a question as to how I got a VIP pass. As for the why, they should figure that out on their own. It's pretty obvious why I have this.

I got a text from Danielle wondering if I was going to be at the game tonight.

Uh yeah I'm with a friend though. Her boyfriend's along so idk if I should leave them or not lol

She texted me a laughing emoji before sending me another text.

I'll be sitting in section 114 in the third row if you wanted to come sit by me.

I glanced up at Story talking with Anthony as the line kept moving. They were talking about getting something to eat at one of the Minnesota-based stands in the concourse by their section.

"Hey, Story, is it alright if I go sit by Dani?" I asked her.

The conversation abruptly stopped, then Story looked at me. "Who's Dani?" She questioned.

I glanced down at the gray text again, then back up at Story's definitive face. "She's Jared's wife. You know, Jared Spurgeon?" I told her.

She shrugged. "Yeah, that's fine. Anything to hang out with your Wild wives," she giggled as she lightly nudged Anthony's elbow, like she cracked up a joke or something.

I smiled. "Thank you so much. I'll get you back, I promise," I said.

"Don't sweat it. I'm perfectly fine being with this rat over here," she said with a smirk on face as she pointed to Anthony.

I giggled. "That wasn't very nice of you to call your boyfriend a rat," I said.

She rolled her eyes. "He doesn't give a shit. He returns it right back to me anyways," she responded.

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