Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The next day after Kirill and I became engaged, he had a game at the Xcel Energy Center against the Tampa Bay Lightning.

Turns out that the majority of the Minnesota Wild wives were going to be there because we had gotten awesome jackets from a local Minnesota business. They were green with the Wild logo on the back in black glitter as well as the last name of our significant other. On the front was their number underneath the right collarbone.

I kinda didn't want to go since I knew I was going to be bombarded with questions regarding the engagement. Especially from Danielle, since she knows me the best out of the group.

Kirill and I got into his car and began the drive to Saint Paul for the game.

"You've been a little quiet, Kenzie. Is there something that's bothering you?" My now-fiancé mentioned as he stopped at a red light. I glanced at him, and he had a look of concern and guilt rubbed all over his face.

I gave him a smile. "Everything's okay, Kirill." I told him as I glanced back down at the diamond engagement ring on my finger, then back up to him.

The light turned green and Kirill accelerated the car down the street.

He glanced back at me with a minuscule smirk. "If you say so," he said before focusing back on the road.

I watched the dead, snow-covered trees along the sidewalk that Kirill was driving past. Occasional pedestrians were walking down the street with their pets, children, or significant other, which brought back heartfelt memories of Kirill and I walking down streets during the summer when everything was filled with life.

"I heard you're getting a cool jacket," Kirill mentioned. "I like the idea of my last name being on your back,"

I started to blush as I glanced back at him with one hand on the steering wheel and another on the center console.

I smirked. "I think I do as well. It...fits me more. You know, Kenzie Kaprizov? I think that sounds awesome," I said.

He chuckled. "Good thing that'll happen soon," he said, hinting at the future marriage that we had no idea when was happening. Possibly next summer, since that gave us enough time to get stuff ready and the wedding and honeymoon aren't interfering with the hockey season. Obviously if Kirill and I are still together by then, of course.

I giggled. "How about when it feels right?" I suggested, then Kirill nodded his head in agreement.

"You're right," he said.

I smiled. "Of course I am. I'm always right," I gloated.

He scoffed as he stopped once again at a red light. "I wouldn't say always," he responded. "You've been wrong many times,"

I chuckled. "And how?" I questioned him with a smirk.

He glanced back over at me, then back out into the road as the light turned green. No response came out of that handsome mouth of his.

"Trouble thinking about such a simple question, Kaprizov?" I interrogated him.

All he could do was giggle as his face reddened more and more the longer I stared at him.

"You know, sometimes I wish you were back in school so you weren't such a pain in the ass all the time," Kirill spat.

I blew my tongue at him as I crossed my arms. "Says the one who takes up half of the fucking bed and keeps stealing my blanket," I responded.

He scoffed. "Ty tot, kto govorit," he muttered as he merged onto the interstate freeway.

"So you resort to speaking Russian because I'm right?" I asked.

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