Chapter Thirteen

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I pulled into the parking lot to Centennial Hall where the dance was being hosted. The parking lot was nearly half full already when the dance was going to start in a half hour.

I put the car in park and set the parking brake. I looked into the glowy, colorful lights spew out from the large windows of Centennial Hall.

I sighed, smiled, and got out of my car.

I walked up to the entrance of the hall and pulled out my student ID. It was free for students, but there was a $10 fee for anybody extra like a plus one that wasn't a student or faculty member at the University of Minnesota.

The dance was being held by the university's honor society, but they had just reached out to Story and I to make the welcome banner.

I showed my ID to the girl taking admissions, then I was allowed in.

The amount of people with couples grossed me out and made me feel worse about myself that I didn't have mine with me.

I saw Story at one of the high tables with a guy with fluffy, brown hair and a perfect, masculine jawline. If I didn't have a boyfriend, I would call him drop-dead gorgeous. But Kirill is more than drop-dead gorgeous.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I approached them.

Story turned her head to look at me. "You showed up after Kirill dumped you," she said.

I looked at her in confusion. "Kirill didn't dump me, he had an arranged dinner with the team," I told her.

"If that's what he wants you to believe," she responded.

I couldn't respond to this statement. I was too baffled by what she said. Hell, both Jared and Matt told me that they had dinner tonight. I don't know where this sudden behavior of betrayal and dishonesty came from out of Story. Normally she wasn't like this; she was always very supportive.

"Excuse me?" I said. "Ever since you started talking to this random dickhead off of the street you've been acting like a bitch!" I exclaimed as I pointed a finger towards her boyfriend.

Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped. "No, excuse me. You can't be talking shit when you're calling the kettle black." She retaliated. "Ever since you and Kirill got back together or whatever the hell that situation was, you've abandoned me to hang out with him. So, I'm getting my payback and leaving you to hang out with Anthony."

I felt my heart stop. What she said was true.

Ever since the fall semester ended, Kirill and I were getting a lot closer to rebuilding the trust that was sort of lost in our relationship. I had never really reached out to Story if we could hang out. Though, she necessarily wasn't saying anything to me, either.

Story and I glared at each other.

I sighed and just walked away. Looks like I need to rebuild the trust for Story now, if she was willing to be my friend anymore.

I found an empty table and set my stuff on there. I sat in one of the chairs and just sat there, motionless. I didn't know what to do. I thought Story wouldn't mind me hanging out with her, but she thought otherwise.

The dance had finally started, and I decided to get myself out of the chair and onto the dance floor. Some upbeat songs were playing and everyone was having a good time drinking, dancing, all of the party stuff.

Then came the realization that I wasn't having any sort of fun anymore. Dances sucked when you were lonely. Especially when you had really no friends to go with or a significant other that didn't have pre-arranged plans.

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