Chapter Five

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I had tossed everything I needed to wash—including Kirill's sweatshirt.

Speaking of Kirill's sweatshirt, he had given me another one that was sitting in his car, this one being another Wild sweatshirt with his last name on the back. I tossed it on after I changed into more comfortable clothes for laundry.

I caught a whiff of the smell emanating from the sweatshirt, and this one definitely smelled like him.

I brought the laundry basket down to my car and waited for Story to come out of the residence hall door with her clothes.

In the meantime, I decided to scroll through Instagram to see what was up in people's lives.

Then I noticed a lot of people were wanting to follow my account, including Mats and Jared.

I accepted their follow requests, including the other ones. Though I didn't know who they were, I'm assuming they were just classmates or just fans.

I heard the back door open and shut. Then Story appeared in the window of the passenger side before hopping in.

She smirked at me. "Well, how was your date?" She asked me.

I smiled. "It was alright. We kissed," I told her as I started up my car.

"Okay, like forehead, cheek, French?" Story asked as her smirk never faded.

I sighed as I started driving. "Well, lips," I said. "It wasn't necessarily French though,"

She groaned. "That's the best type! Y'all need to exchange your saliva!" She exclaimed.

"That's gross," I said as I put on my right turn signal.

We glanced at each other while I pulled in slowly behind the line of cars. "Yeah, I realize that now. I got a little excited," she said with a frown.

I chuckled. "Don't sweat it. Besides, he was the one that kissed me." I told her.

Her smirk comes back. "Oh yeah? Now you have the next step—getting under the sheets." She tells me as I creeped the vehicle closer as more cars went right-on-red.

I gagged. "Now that's gross." I told her with a smile on her face.

She giggled. "I know," she said.

The laundromat was just a couple blocks away from campus, and so when we got there we unloaded the laundry and brought in a lot of quarters.

"Kaprizov, huh," Story says behind me while we bring in the baskets of laundry.

I looked at her in confusion. "What?" I asked her.

She giggled as she set the basket on the counter. "The last name on the back of your sweatshirt," she told me, pointing a finger at my back.

I chuckled. "Oh, yeah," I said as I started taking the laundry out of the basket and divided it into different washing machines.

After I placed the quarters into their slots to start the washing machines, I went to sit down at the table with three magazines, all Minnesota based.

My phone buzzed, and it was a text from Kirill.

Are you coming to the game tomorrow?

I sighed as I looked at Story. I'm sure she didn't want to go to another Wild game, especially if it was in the same week.

Am I getting something out of this lmao

I smiled as I set my phone down, then the gray typing bubble appeared on his side of the chat.

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