Chapter Twelve

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"So, when are you leaving for Russia?" Story asked as I applied the brush to the banner for the dance this Saturday.

I shrugged with a smile. "Why would I want to go to Russia? I don't really like their...architecture," I joked.

Story glared at me. "I'm sure your boyfriend would say otherwise, plus I think he would be a little mad that you bashed his home country's architecture. I think the fun colors and shapes are cool!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled. "I was just joking. Though do I really want to go? I can just stay home," I said as I sipped the brush into the cup and shook it a bit to get the loose, wet paint off of the brush.

"Again, Kirill." Story responded.

"It was all jokes. I'm excited about going. Though I'm gonna have a rough time understanding everything," I said as I dipped the brush into the sky blue color.

She looked at me in confusion. "Hasn't Kirill been teaching you Russian?" She asked.

I awkwardly smiled. "Well, you always ends up...uh," I said as my face started to redden.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, Jesus Christ. Don't tell me y'all..." she gulped.

"No! We didn't do what you're thinking of. Though I really wouldn't mind..." I said with a smirk.

She chuckled. "I bet he'd feel pretty damn good." She smirked with a wink.

My jaw dropped. "Story Mae!" I exclaimed.

She burst into laughter. "Oh come on. I can't keep hearing the same shit all the time. Y'all need to spice it up. It's been five months." She responded.

"Yeah! Five months too early!" I retaliated. "Besides, I'm not sure about his religious views. I know Orthodox Christians take things sacred for some things," I muttered.

Story nodded her head. "That makes sense, actually. Oh! Are you taking Kirill?" She asked me.

I looked at her in confusion. "Where?"

She pointed at the banner that we were painting for the dance.

"Ohhh. I guess I wasn't going," I said.

Her eyes widened. "Seriously?! This is the most important dance of the year, and you're not going?" She asks.

I shrugged. "I didn't realize it was important, I thought it was some gig," I responded. "I could ask Kirill if he wanted to go. Though I'm not sure if he wants to go to some lame college dance," I chuckled.

"Doesn't hurt to ask, Kenzie." She says as she paints another section.

I sighed as I stared at my phone next to me. I glanced up at Story focused on painting, so I put the brush down and texted Kirill if he was interested.

Hey love. I was wondering if you had anything planned on Saturday night. The college is having a little dance and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me as a date. If not, then it's perfectly fine and we can hang out at your place.

I set my phone down and continued painting.

The banner was coming along pretty well. The theme was fantasy, and the colors were oceanic with some pinks and purples. The motto was: "Be anything you want to be."

Kirill texted back within ten minutes.

Team has dinner on Saturday night. Sorry.

I frowned as I read the message. Of course I understood why he wasn't able to go, though I still felt heartbroken. I tried looking on the positive side, though. The entire team hasn't been out to dinner in what felt like forever, and it's the perfect time to go since the Wild got knocked out of the playoffs and now they're free to do whatever they want until Dean calls them back for a practice. Maybe I can go with Story instead.

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