Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Talk your talk and go viral, I just need this love spiral. Get it off your chest, get it off my desk."
— Taylor Swift

It's now March, and I've started to notice that I've been a lot more sick as of lately.

I've been staying home from work, and a lot of my coworkers have been saying that I should go see a doctor. Not to mention my February or even March period never came either.

The Wild were on a west coast road trip, starting in Anaheim and moving their way up the California coast to play San Jose.

However, due to my worsening illness, Kirill thought it would be a great idea to stay back in Minneapolis to help take care of me. I hardly ever get sick, and if I do, it's normally just a cold.

I wasn't too fond of Kirill staying back for three games as the Wild were out west, considering they were once again contending for a wild card spot in the playoffs.

I sneezed loudly, and Kirill handed me another tissue as the two of us were sitting on the couch watching some romance movie.

"God damn," I groaned as I blew my nose.

Kirill looked at me. "Kenzie, I think you need to go to the doctor. You've been sick for the last two weeks," he said as he paused the movie and stood up.

I frowned. "Kirill, I'm fine," I told him. "It's probably just allergies and a cold,"

He shook his head. "Get up. I'm taking you to see a doctor, and there is no ifs ands or buts about it," he said before tapping my shoulder to get up.

"Kirill!" I yelped.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on. All I want is for you to be healthy. You're dying," he exaggerated.

I still sat in my spot, not moving an inch.

He sighed. "Kenzie, please. I'll take you and get you some ice cream," he pleaded as his concerned face became worse.

I groaned as I finally gave in. It only took me the words 'ice cream' to get up, throw on Kirill's hockey sweatshirt with his number, put my hair into a messy bun, and slip on a pair of slides.

I coughed as Kirill got his shoes on.

"Yeah, that cough sounds nasty," he mentioned before we headed out to his car in the mild March weather.

We drove down a couple of blocks and pulled into the emergency room parking lot of the hospital.

We got to the receptionist's desk and she called us over.

"Hello, last name and birthday please?" She asked.

Kirill glanced at me and I told her my last name and birthday. She nodded her head and typed it into the system. "And what are we seeing you for, Kenzie?" She asked again.

I sighed. "I've been having a bad cold and flu-like symptoms for the last few weeks. I've also had an absence in my period since January," I told her.

She nodded her head again and typed something on her computer. "Alright. We'll call you back for a basic examination in a couple of minutes," she said as she printed my bracelet and gave it to me. "You two can just wait out in the waiting room for the time being,"

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