Chapter Twenty-Six

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~ January 2024 ~

I got home from work a little earlier than normal, since I finished all of my tasks before my shift ended. My boss gave me consent to leave so I had enough time to relax and enjoy the weekend before we start our huge monthly project.

Kirill was still out for the team's afternoon skate, and he normally didn't get back until four when I'm still working.

Speaking of Kirill, I've been noticing he's been a lot more distant. We still talk everyday and such, but he's been less willing to hang out. It's hard to ignore those signs when you quite literally live with your significant other, and have been for the last couple of years.

I've also been noticing he's been a lot more secretive about what he says. I'm not sure if this comes from the Russian in him, or if it's coinciding with the actions of his not wanting to hang out.

I haven't spoken up about it, but I plan on talking to him about it sooner than later. Tonight, perhaps.

"You're home early," Kirill said as he walked through the door.

I turned my head to my left to see him taking off his black baseball cap and hanging it on one of the hooks on the wall. He teased his hair, making his hair more messy than usual. I blushed at the sight.

He groaned as he came to sit down next to me.

"Practice went alright?" I asked.

He shrugged. "More conditioning," he responded. "Though I did need the workout," he giggled.

I chuckled. "It seems like you say that every time the team works out," I told him.

"Need to get stronger somehow," he responded with a smile on his face.

There was a long silence that followed after, so I decided to take the opportunity to ask him about the relationship and how he felt about it.

"Hey, Kirill, can I ask you a question?" I asked him.

He looked at me in almost utter confusion. "Of course. What's on your mind?" He responded.

I gulped my wad of spit down my throat, then I frowned. "How come you haven't been—how do you say this so you understand what I'm saying," I paused as I glanced at the clock by the mounted television, then glanced back at Kirill.

I sighed. "wanting to be together with me? Like, as in, how come you haven't shown interest in hanging out," I said.

Kirill looked almost flabbergasted after I said this. His jaw dropped slightly, then he shook his head.

"Kenzie, why would you question it? Of course I want to be with you. How come we've been together for over two years? Because I don't love you?" He answered as his pupils dilated further out.

"Kirill, that's not what I'm saying! I'm asking why you don't want to go out on dates! You've been avoiding me every time I asked you for the last few weeks!" I exclaimed, my voice raising.

He was taken aback by this. "What?" He said, then he shook his head. "Kenzie, listen to me. I've just been busy. With hockey, with you, with the team, it's just been hard to handle all of that," he answered.

We looked at each other in awkward silence.

"How come it hasn't been this hard for the last couple of years, then?" I asked him.

He hesitated as he lowered his head. His face started to redden, then he got up from the couch.

I looked at him in confusion. "Where are you going?" I asked him as he started to walk towards the stairs to the bedroom.

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