Chapter Twenty-One

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👥 : kenziemclaughlin20 802 likesitsalifestory   happy 21st birthday to my bestest friend in the whole universe! don't party too hard love <3

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👥 : kenziemclaughlin20
itsalifestory   happy 21st birthday to my bestest friend in the whole universe! don't party too hard love <3

               kenziemclaughlin20   🤪

Happy birthday to me!

I'm officially twenty-one years of age, which means I can now legally play slot machines as well as drinking and buying alcohol. Twenty-one years ago I was born in some random hospital in Iowa on the third of October, and now I'm twenty-one and I still feel like I'm still a young girl.

Unfortunately, Kirill isn't in Minneapolis to celebrate my birthday with me. He's in Los Angeles with the rest of the Minnesota Wild as they have a game tonight against the Los Angeles Kings. After their game against the Kings, they fly out of Los Angeles and into Canada to play the Edmonton Oilers on Saturday.

Since Story is already twenty-one (she'll be twenty-two in November), she's planning on taking me to a bar downtown and getting me my first cocktail tonight. Not like I haven't had alcohol before when I was around my parents, and even Kirill offered me a couple of shots of vodka here and there when we were alone together and whatnot.

I walked into the lecture hall, and Story was sitting at one of the cushioned seats at the entrance.

"Happy birthday!" She exclaimed as she got up and hugged me.

I giggled. "Thanks, Story." I responded with a soft chuckle.

She smiled. "Of course!" She responded.

We walked over by the vending machine and I inserted a couple of dollar bills into the machine.

"So, has Kirill said happy birthday to you yet?" Story asked as I pressed the Mountain Dew option.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "He's probably still sleeping, dipshit," I responded. "It's like, six in the morning over in Los Angeles,"

She chuckled as I grabbed my soda that had fallen from the coil of the vending machine. "I suppose," she said.

I twisted the cap and took a sip out of the bottle to quench my thirst. "Besides, I didn't wait until nightfall when I said happy birthday to him. Maybe he'll do the same for me," I said as Story inserted her dollar bills into the machine.

"He seems like the type of person who can't wait to tell his girlfriend happy birthday," she responded as she pressed the Dr. Pepper button.

I giggled as I twisted the cap back onto the green, plastic bottle. "Now that you mention it, yeah," I responded as she grabbed her soda.

We started to walk towards Dr. Collins' room.

Class went by fairly slowly, maybe because I was half asleep during the entire lecture. Story had to shake me awake a couple of times before I planted my face into my notebooks.

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