Chapter Twenty-Five

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Along with vacationing to Russia with Kirill to meet up with his family and friends, we decided to take a short trip to Athens, Greece for a couple days. I've always wanted to go to Greece, and I think that it's very beautiful and serene. Especially Santorini and Crete, but we only had enough time to lay down in Athens before heading back to the Americas.

Besides, Kirill always likes beach time. Especially when you live in the harsh state of Minnesota and Russia hardly has any nice beaches. Same could be said about Minnesota, honestly.

I face planted into the king-sized bed after placing it next to the drawer with the flat screen TV.

Kirill softly chuckled. "Long day, eh?" He said.

I groaned, squeezing the pillow that rested my face tighter.

"I'm just exhausted. I'm so ready to be home," I responded after I lifted my face from the pillow.

He chuckled again. "You know, we didn't have to come to Greece. Although it is pretty," he mentioned as he sat on the edge of the bed, next to my bare feet.

I turned my body around so I was laying flat on my back on the bed. "See, and you were the one that was complaining about coming here," I retaliated with a smirk on my face.

"Says the one who just said she wants to get home!" Kirill exclaimed as he hit me with one of the pillows.

"Hey...hey!" I yelped as he continued to gently hit me with the white pillow with the mischievous grin he had smeared all over his face.

He giggled as he gave me one last smack. "There," he declared as he tossed the pillow back to the headrest.

"Fuck you," I said with a smile on my face. "You piece of absolute shit,"

He smirked again. "Love you too," he said before he walked outside and onto the balcony.

The time in Athens was about six in the afternoon, and the weather was hot at thirty-three degrees Celsius. Around eight, I had told Kirill that I would like us to head out to the nearby beach and have some bonding time, since we necessarily didn't have much of it while we were in Moscow and Novokuznetsk.

I laid back onto the bed and stared at the spinning ceiling fan, causing my eyes to hurt a tad.

I decided to get up from the bed, groaning as I lifted my back off of the sturdy mattress, and dig through my suitcase to find my coral bikini. I pulled out my matching orange beach towel in the process, then I went into the bathroom to change into the bikini.

I pulled off my Minnesota Timberwolves shirt I've had since high school (which has decayed so much it's practically a painting shirt), leaving me in just my black sports bra. I took out my snarly and messy ponytail I've had since leaving Sheremetyevo this morning, and I've been tired practically all day.

I slipped off my black sweatpants, leaving me in just my undergarments and a pair of socks.

Suddenly, the door bursts wide open, and a very shocked expression filled both my and Kirill's faces.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he muttered as his face started to redden in embarrassment as we stared at each other.

I smirked. "You asshole!" I exclaimed as I threw my shirt and sweatpants at his face. "Ever heard of manners?"

He caught my clothes that I had thrown at him in his large hands and returned the smirk right back at me. "You know, there's a lock on the door," he said as he pointed to the black doorknob with a push lock on it.

I rolled my eyes. "At least knock before you just come in here to see me almost completely naked!" I shrieked as I took my clothes out of his hands.

He chuckled. "Like I haven't ever seen that," he responded.

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