Chapter Ten

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Corey and I found our seats at the X, but one thing was going to bother me the entire game. I wasn't sure if Jared planned this, but I most certainly didn't want to sit right next to the Wild bench. Especially if I knew that the Russian cheater was gonna be damn close to me.

"Jared got us good seats!" Corey exclaimed.

I groaned. "Yeah, he did," I muttered. "Wanna go get some food?" I asked as I looked at her.

She shrugged. "I'm good. You can, though," she responded as she sat down in her seat.

I glanced at the empty Wild bench. I frowned and sat down in my seat next to the glass. "I'm fine too, now that I'm thinking about it," I said.

About ten minutes later the Wild players came out and set their stuff on the bench.

Kirill came and set his stuff on my end of the bench before he sat down.

Oh for fuck's sake. I angrily thought as I turned my head to look at Corey.

Corey looked at me in confusion. "Isn't that...?" She questioned as she pointed to him.

"Yeah, it is. What a fucking coincidence." I snapped as I looked back at the ice.

Out of the corner of my eye, I shot my eyes toward Kirill, who was looking right back at me. Again, I don't know if Jared had planned this, but it seemed a little odd that he got us seats next to the Wild bench and the fact that Kirill sat on the very end of the bench so we practically sat side-by-side to each other.

I didn't know what to feel. I missed him. I missed his smile, I missed his affectionate hugs, I missed his accent, I missed his everything.

I loved him so much. Seeing that girl message Kirill and him responding almost brought me back to when I had first messaged him so long ago. Or what it had felt like.

I haven't felt as happy as I did with Kirill in a long time. I felt like I had a reason to live other than going to college and working for a bachelor's degree in mathematics. I had someone else with me and more things to do with an excuse that my boyfriend was a hockey player.

I sighed and turned my head back towards Kirill sitting on the bench in mixed emotions. We looked at each other in what you expect from practically exes. Though Kirill didn't feel that way, I sure as hell thought we broke up because he decided to talk to that Russian girl without telling me.

"How are you?" Kirill asked from behind the glass.

I didn't respond.

He frowned. "Still mad? I get it," he muttered.

I sighed. "Why were you talking to girls when we were together? I thought you loved me." I snapped.

Kirill looked extremely confused and in shock. "What? Kenzie, I'm not talking to any girls other than you. And you broke up with me without telling me?" He asked as he patted his curly, blonde hair before putting his helmet on.

"I was going to break up with you because you're cheating on me with this Russian girl named Anika." I told him as I showed him the picture I had taken of the conversation.

His face became pale, then he started to redden. "Listen to me. She's just a friend of mine back home. We've been friends for years, and I promise there is nothing going on between us. I could even call her and she can tell you herself." He said. "I don't have any feelings toward her other than being a friend. I have feelings toward you because, well," he pauses and smiles. "I love you."

I couldn't process what he was saying. I'm not saying that I was blinded by love, but I almost understood what he was saying. But I still wanted to have a deep conversation with him about it when there wasn't a thick sheet of glass in between us and a roaring crowd around us.

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