Chapter Sixteen

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I was invited to attend the summer get-together for the Minnesota Wild players and coaches with their spouses in Palm Beach, Florida.

Calen Addison brought over a martini platter for his teammates. They kindly accepted, but Kirill didn't take one.

"Don't worry. I got you something different," Calen said with a wink as he slid the martini on the far right of the platter in front of Kirill.

Kirill looked at his teammate in confusion. "Huh?"

Calen chuckled. "It's vodka," he responded. Kirill nodded his head and took a sip.

Jared Spurgeon spoke up. "So, how was everyone's summer?" He asked everyone.

There was silence that followed as everyone stared at everyone while sipping on their waters and cocktails.

Marcus Foligno cleared his throat. "I went to California," he said.

There was a bustle of laughter that arose at the table.

"You always seem to go to Cali. Let me guess, San Diego," Jared responded with a huge smile on his face.

Marcus shrugged. "Perhaps," he chuckled.

Jared rolled his eyes. "Anyone else?" He asked as everyone looked at each other to see who wanted to speak up about their summers.

Jared and I locked eyes with each other. He smirked, then spoke again.

"Why don't you tell us about your trip to Russia, Kaprizov?" He insisted as he sipped his martini.

All pairs of eyes were gazing at Kirill and I, and I felt my face redden in sheer embarrassment.

Kirill shrugged. "Alright," he responded as he set his glass on the table.

Jared smirked. "What did Kenzie think of it?" He asked.

Kirill blinked, then shook his head. "Oh," he paused to look at me. "Want to tell him?"

I shrugged. I looked back at Jared and Danielle, then I took a deep breath.

"It was fun. Very different," I said as I sipped on my non-alcoholic beverage, since I technically wasn't twenty-one until October. Just a couple more months!

Calen nodded his head. "Did you get sick of Kirill at all over there?" He asked.

I giggled. "At times, yes. Whenever he spoke Russian at the speed of light," I answered. "and whenever he always insisted that I try all these different foods. Newsflash, I pooped everything out within a day,"

Matt Boldy started laughing. "Jesus, TMI much?" He giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "But Calen asked!" I exclaimed. "This guy can't even find his way around his own apartment sometimes!" I fired as I pointed my thumb at Kirill.

"Hey now," Kirill responded with the biggest smile on his face. "You can't be saying shit when you asked me where the bathroom was halfway through our time in Moscow," he said.

"Damn!" Jared interjected.

I giggled as I glanced back at Kirill, then I squeezed his cheeks.

"That was for making me learn all of that stupid Russian," I smirked as I let go.

He rolled his eyes as he sipped his vodka martini.

Jared chuckled. "Thanks, Kaprizov. Next?" He said.

Some more players told their summer stories, as well as their significant others. Everything ranged from staying home, to traveling to Curaçao, to engagements, and even welcoming new people into the Minnesota Wild family!

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