Chapter Four

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I wasn't ready to walk into that calculus class without thinking about Story.

"Hey, Dr. Ryan. I missed yesterday's lesson because my mom had an emergency. Was there anything assigned?" I asked him, and he turned around in his rolling chair to face me.

He took out a folder and flipped through some papers. "Nope, you're all good. It was basically a review of three point three. I'm sure you understand this fairly well," he said with a smile. "Are you a fan of the Wild? My son loves them," he added as he pointed to the sweatshirt that I was wearing (which was Kirill's, but he left it in my car so it's mine now).

"Yeah." I said with a smile.

Dr. Ryan chuckled. "Kaprizov fan?" He asked as he pointed to the number ninety-seven on my left collarbone.

I awkwardly smiled. "The way he handles the puck on his stick is amazing." I said.

Dr. Ryan nodded his head in agreement. "Right?! Did you see the game against the Canucks?" He asked.

"Yup, I was there in person with a...friend," I responded as I saw Story walk through the door.

Dr. Ryan chuckled. "Well, I better get things ready for today's lesson." He said, and I nodded my head and walked to my seat next to Story.

I heard Story sniff my right shoulder. "That sweatshirt reeks," she mentioned.

"Why the hell are you sniffing me?" I angrily asked her.

She shrugged with a smirk. "I want to know if you were hanging out with any guys yesterday." She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Are you and Kirill dating now or what? I saw that he liked that one photo you posted of him." She mentioned as she got her stuff out for class.

I rolled my eyes again. "Could be, could be not." I said.

She scoffed. "One, you got a stick from him. Two, you guys hung out together pretty much all day. Three, you're wearing one of his sweatshirts," she responded, then my phone dinged.

Mats is having a little get-together at his house tonight. Do you want to come? I can come pick you up.

Story sighed. "And four, there's a heart next to his name."

I frowned as I clicked on the text notification and started typing out my response.

Yeah. I live in the Frontier Hall at the University of Minnesota. You can just pick me up in the parking lot.

He immediately sent me a thumbs up.

I looked over at Story again, who then raised an eyebrow.

I sighed again. "Yeah, we're dating. He was the one who asked me, actually." I told her, and she just slowly nodded her head.

"That makes sense considering you smell exactly like hockey boy sweat mixed with cologne." She sneered as Dr. Ryan walked up to the lectern and began his lesson.

After the lesson, I had to go back to the dorm room to figure out an outfit for tonight. I could go in just my current one, just a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. However, I wasn't so sure how the guys and their significant others were going to dress, so I decided on just a plain white dress with a light-washed denim jacket. I kept the jeans and sweatshirt just in case I got cold and I needed something warmer and comfortable to wear.

After I got that all sorted and figured out, I hopped onto my bed and decided to scroll through Instagram to see if anything interesting was happening to my colleagues and classmates.

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