Chapter 20

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It's been two weeks since me and Jacob worked our shit out

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It's been two weeks since me and Jacob worked our shit out. And, everything has been going uphill since finding out that Aiden had died. Obviously, it wasn't the greatest feeling knowing that I hadn't known for two years that my friend killed himself. And, to add fuel to the flames, he ended his beautiful life the day I broke his brother's heart.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my head and I find my way into town, browsing the shops.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around quickly to be met by Duke's smiling face. I grin back, pulling him in for a hug. "oh my God, hi!" I greet, my hands on his shoulders. "I haven't seen you since the party." I exclaim, and Duke shrugs.

"I don't think you've really left the house since the party. I'm always meeting your gang on the beach." He says, and we end up walking together to wherever this town can take us.

"Well, I'll be sure to go to the beach with my friends, then." I tell him, and Duke knocks his shoulders into mine.

"I actually saw you there a few weeks ago." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. "With Jacob. Seemed pretty close."

I frown, remembering what was revealed that day two weeks ago. "Yeah, we're... taking it one day at a time." I say. Duke nods his head, grinning at me.

"I didn't realise you thought of each other like that." He says, and I laugh at the thought.

"You'd be surprised to know we dated two years ago." I say, and Duke's mouth drops open.

"Really?" He gasps, placing his hands on his hips. I don't sense a hint of jealousy, even though Duke has no reason to be jealous. We barely know each other. "Why'd you break up? What happened?"

"Err..." I itch the back of my neck. "I ended it because I was on the verge of depression and a relationship wasn't what I needed." I say, and Duke glanced at me, looking me up and down. "I know, I don't look like I had crippling depression and anxiety."

"Oh, and anxiety?" He chuckles, and I stuff my hands into the pockets of my white jeans.

"Yep. I was a fucked up teenager."

"Well, not too fucked up. You're not dead."

"I mean, I came close to it a few times." I say, and Duke's eyebrows fly up in shock. He blinks at me, and I can't help but laugh. Sometimes, it's nice to confide in someone you don't really know. "No, I'm just kidding." I say, even though I'm not. Duke chuckles, knocking his shoulders into mine.

"Well, I'm glad you're still here." He says, and I think I almost die of cringe. Duke has a habit of saying cheesy things, but I don't mind. We all need a little bit of cheesiness in our lives every now and then. "And you and Jacob, I hope that goes well for you both." HE says, and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Thank you." I say, sending him a small smile. "It means a lot to hear someone say that. I actually talked to my mum about it a few nights ago, and she does not think that anythijg good will come out of it. She knows how much I beat myself up about it last time." I say, frowning as I remember that stupid conversation I had with my mother about Jacob.

"I mean, you're both a lot more maturer now." Duke says, sgrugging his shoulders as we walk through town. "I doubt you'll come to the same conclusion that you did last time. As long as you're both mentally okay." He says, and I wince, shaking my head. "What? You're still depressed?"

"Not me." I say, and Duke tilts his head in confuion before he clicks on and nods his head in understanding. "I don't know, he's smoking, and drinking, and doing drugs. None of it is healthy for him, and I'm not sure how to stop him." I say, before I realise that I'm venting and I should really stop.

"Damn. You seem to have a really hectic life. I'm glad me and Amelia are kinda chill." He says, and I roll my eyes when I remember that Amelia exists and she tried to have her way with Jacob. I hated her then, and I still hate her now.

"You and Amelia. Still friends?" I ask, hoping that it's more so she'll stop coming for my man. "Just friends?" I emphasise, and Duke laughs a boisterous laugh, knocking his shoulders into mine.

"We were friends from the start and we'll be nothing more." He says, and a little ounce of disappointment fills me. "Trust me, I don't see her in that way. Plus, she's not my type." He says, shrugging his shoulders.

"I think you'd be kinda cute together." I say, tilting my head at him. Duke shakes his head, chuckling. "Well," I stop walking as soon as I reach the bottom of the road where my cabin is. "It was nice to-" My words are cut off by the shrill of my phone ringing in my back pocket. I send Duke an apologetic look before I grab my phone and answer it, pressing it to my ear. "Hello?"

"You're not here." Jacob says, and I smile instantly transforms my face. I look to the ground.

"I know, I'm sorry. You were still asleep when I woke up, so I went on a walk." I explain to him, and I hear him hum before he yawns. "I'll be home in a while, don't worry."

"Well, hurry up. I wanna cuddle you." He says, before hanging up. I chuckle, shaking my head and slipping my phone back into my pocket.

I focus back on Duke, whose eyes are focused on the road. "Hey, why don't you come back to our cabin?" I ask him. "I'm sure Laura and Charlie would love to see you again." I ask, and Duke tilts his head.

"Yeah, okay." He says, and I nod my head before we walk together back to to Laura's cabin.

" He says, and I nod my head before we walk together back to to Laura's cabin

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