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I hate my job sometimes. I hate sorting out stupid brawls between guys fighting over a girl. But i have to sort it out because i'm in charge.

I just want to go home to Delilah.

I open my mouth to speak but they keep arguing again. James doesn't like the fact Pedro slept with this girl Mia, even though James has never spoken a word to Mia, and Pedro and Mia have been friends with benefits for years but apparently, to James, it's rude because Pedro knew James was in love with Mia.

"Stop!" I shout, and they both cease.

Emilio walks in at the same time and just awkwardly looks around the room. I'm supposed to be teaching him some stuff. He makes his way to the couch and sits down.

I look at James and Pedro, "You are supposed to be gangsters and you're arguing over a girl who is most likely going to forget you both existed in two years time."

They look at each other.

"If I hear Mia's name one more time in this building, I will kill her in front of you... understood?"

Pedro takes a step back, James clenches his jaw.

"James do not test me. I am not in the mood. The girl doesn't even know you exist."

His fists clenched at his side, "Capo, you're allowed to talk about Delilah-"

"Don't mention her name."

"It's hypocritical."

I cannot believe he's talking back to me.

I stand up, "I don't make Delilah my entire personality or life. And she knows I exist. You're fighting for a girl who would trade you for a bag of chips, James. Get the hint. She isn't fucking interested. If you want to stand there and argue with me, go right ahead but don't you dare speak about Delilah in my presence. I will murder you."

His eyes widen, "I literally only said her name."

"Go." Shout.

Pedro walks away, James stares at me in disbelief before walking away too.

Emilio closes the door after them, "What crawled up your pants?"

"Is it normal for people their age to do that?"

He nods his head, "My friends are fighting over this girl too, she's pretty but she isn't my type. They're all falling out but she said she likes me."

Chidlren are weird.

I sit back down.

Emilio clears his throat, "You kind of do make your entire personality about Delilah, though. If I'm being honest."

I frown, "No i don't."

"You do."


"Definitely do. I just wanted to come round to work and you said to make short because you have to get home to Delilah. And yesterday when we got food, you said this was Delilah's favourite. And the other week when we were at the gym and you picked up the exact same gloves Delilah used for boxing. And then two weeks ago when-"

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