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Mom looked full of anger as the guards let me out of the prison cell. A week i've been here and they've only managed to bail me out now.

"What took so long?" I ask.

"The fact twelve cops seen you punch the sheriff." She hugs me.

"Have you seen Delilah?" I ask, "Is she okay?"

"Haven't seen her." She glares at the officers as we walk out of the building. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." I got the satisfaction of punching officer Park.

"Have you ate?"

"Let me chek on Delilah." I get in the drivers seat, Matteo and Emilio were in the back.

Mom gets beside me and i start driving to Delilah's house.

"Emilio, knock on the door and ask if Delilah's home. Number 7."

He undoes his seatbelt and gets out of the car. I watch as he knocks on the door and Delilah's mother opens with a bag of chips in her hand.

Emilio walks back to the car, "Hasn't been home in a week." He clicks his seatbelt back on.

My grip tightens around the wheel and i drive us home.

Mom fusses over me, i call Delilah a million times but she doesn't answer. I shower, call her again, i eat, call her again. Nothing.

"Aria, come with me." I stand up, calling Delilah again.

"Where are we going?" She stands up anyway.

"To find Delilah."

"I'm coming." Matteo stands up.

"Call me if anything's wrong." Mom kisses us on the cheek beoffe we get into my car and start driving.

I drive to her friends house first, knocking on the door, a small hispanic man opens up, "What?"

"Is B home?" I ask.

"No." And then he slams the door in my face.

I walk back and sit in the drivers seat, i know she has a friend that i haven't met yet, Hafsa is her name. I don't know where she lives.

So i drive home and go down to the basement, typing her name into the school records, there was only one in the university. I hack into the database and find out all of her personal information, then bring Matteo and Ilaria back with me as i drive to their adddess.

I ring the doorbell, a boy stands there, couldn't have been older than 17.

"Hafsa home?" I ask.

He nods his head, closes the door, then it opens again with a girl wearing a niqab and an older man. "Hi." Her eyes wrinkle, "You must be Romeo."

"Is Delilah here?"

"She is in the garden, shed." She says, "She might be asleep."

"Can i go to her?" I look at the dad.

He says something in Arabic and Hafsa clears her throat, "Yeah, just go through the alleyway, the gate is opened."

"Thank you." I nod my head, walking away and down the alleyway. I open the gate and the shed had two windows, lit up.

I don't knock.

I walk in.

Delilah was laying on her stomach, my shirt hanging off her body.

She was sleep.

But she was living here. There was clothes across the floor, a heater on, a food box in the corner of the room.

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