Chapter 3: Christmas Surprise

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Price's POV

The plane ride was longer than I had expected it to be, with both Gaz and Soap now fast asleep. Ghost hadn't moved a muscle since Soap had fallen over onto his shoulder, sitting completely still with his eyes forward the whole time. I already knew about the growing relationship between them since neither did well at hiding it, but I just decided not to say anything. Gaz on the other hand was slumped forward, his head bouncing from side to side. I just rolled my eyes and pulled him back into his seat. Over the course of the years since 141 had been formed I had grown closer to each member eventually seeing Gaz and Soap my own while Ghost was a brother in arms. We all worked well together, playing to each other's strengths and protecting each other's weaknesses, always making sure everyone was okay. My relationship with Gaz had grown as the two of us had worked in Urikstan along with Alex and Farah three years earlier. A lot changed in that time with Laswell and others becoming major players in my life. I was grateful to have them, but there were still others I missed, either lost to bullets, retirement or being MIA.

The transport landed about an hour later, and I carefully shook Gaz awake as Ghost nudged Soap, who quickly looked around embarrassed once he realized who he had fallen asleep on. The plane rolled around to the other side of the runway and stopped, with the ramp lowering and Kate making her way over. We all immediately noticed the other plane that was parked next to ours; it was black with red lines on it along with a symbol that I couldn't quite remember where I had seen it before.

"Welcome back, boys!" Kate smiled as he gave Kyle a hug. She looked comfortable wearing a Christmas sweater and scarf.

"I see you have the holiday spirit already Kate!" Kyle laughed, staring at the little rain deer that danced around Kate's fuzzy sweater.

"I do now come on, I want to see what you all found before we get distracted by all the holiday fun."

We followed her inside and down the hall to the conference rooms, where we each sat around the table. Ghost pulled the empty container out of his bag while I unrolled those plans onto the table for everyone to see.

"What is that?" Kate asked now examining the blueprints.

"We aren't sure. Some kind of bomb maybe, but we did manage to find what looked like one of many of these bombs." I responded by handing her the broken cylinder. She turned it over in her hands, not seeing anything on it either.

"This doesn't help us. We need more intel to know what Makarov is up to." She sighed and sat down, turning the small tube over and over.

"Whatever it is, the Russians fought hard to defend it; they kept us out for a day and probably moved whatever it was out by the time we got through their defenses." Soap replied with a yawn.

"Any updates from the caucuses?" I asked, pulling out a cigar and flicking on my lighter.

"Unfortunately, interrogations and reconnaissance were unsuccessful, but we can't give up." Kate replied placing the tub back on the table.

Kate had been working hard to figure out what the ultranationalists were up to after their raid on the Shadow Company's missiles back in URA. Since then Shepherd had gone off the grid and with Graves dead, the remaining shadows had either pulled from their contracts or rallied around Graves's second in command, some unnamed soldier who had stepped up after his death in Las Almas. It didn't matter since they were struggling to keep together and were no threat at the moment. The task at hand is what mattered: finding Makarov and killing him before he could hurt anyone.

"Hey Kate?" Kyle spoke up.

"Yeah Gaz?"

"Who are the new guys?" Laswell seemed to tense up a bit but gave in.

"I asked another group to help us in the hunt for Makarov; they were deployed elsewhere trying to locate any bases or convoys." Kate pulled out a file and slid it over. Inside were three pictures of operators we had never seen before.

"König, an Austrian special forces. Human battering ram standing at 6'10, is actually rather shy and quiet despite his large presence. He's not great with a sniper but can hold his own in most situations." Soap laughed lightly, elbowing Ghost.

"Looks like you aren't the biggest guy here anymore!"

"Shut up, soap."

I pulled out the next photo of a man in sunglasses with a dark beard. I turned it around so Kate could see who it was.

"Reyes. Canadian special forces and major history buff, he studies past leaders such as Alexander, Caesar, and Napoleon. Nice guy and second in command of the visiting task force. Rank of Lieutenant." Kate slid the photo to the side as the last photo came into view.

"Nova. Joined the RAF after her mother took her into the skies. She is very reliable in a tight situation, but unfortunately her vitiligo pigmentation made her time in the military difficult." There was someone missing from the file, and I gave Kate a questioning look. She stood and walked over to the door.

"The rest of you should get some sleep. We'll see you tomorrow and nice job out there today." The other looked at me for confirmation and I signaled for them to leave. Kate closed the door and sat back down next to me.


"I know, just hang on. I wanted to ask you how you are doing. These last few years have been difficult and you aren't exactly a young man anymore John." Kate gently placing her hand on mine.

We had been friends ever since we met at a football game and I had captured a war criminal in Bosnia. She was a good person who always got her tasks done with speed and efficiency. Over the years, I even got to spend a few holidays with her and her wife, who was just as fun to be around. In our own way, we had become a little family that had seen members come and go, but there were a few I missed that I thought about every night. I had Gaz now, who I knew for a fact saw me as a father since he had made the mistake of calling me "dad" during one mission.

"I'm okay Kate, just tired is all." I sighed, and she stood and walked back to the door, signaling for me to follow. We walked slowly down the hall towards my office.

"What do you think of the decorations?" Kate laughed as he noted the lights that had been strung up.

"He didn't even ask me; I just found him and Kyle on ladders while Ghost watched them nearly fall off over a hundred times." I chuckled as I remembered Ghost yelling at my two sergeants to be careful and not destroy the base in the process. I had to admit the color was nice and the warm feeling of Christmas was always welcome, especially since I had people to spend it with now.

"How are Ghost and Soap?" Kate asked, stopping just outside the wooden door.

"Those two clearly have a thing for one another, but I am waiting for them to tell me I don't want to freak them out." I leaned against the wall, taking off my hat. Kate just smiled and shook her head.

"I had a feeling they would work well together; that's why we sent them to capture Hassan and into Las Almas."

Las Almas, Mexico, Shepherd, Shadow Company, the cartel, Graves—all of it happened only a month ago, and yet it all replayed in my mind over and over again. The whole situation was complicated and filled with betrayal; it also involved new friends like Alejandro and Rudy. We had gotten word that Valeria had escaped from their prison and was back with her narcos somewhere outside Las Almas. Eventually, we would have to go back and help find her and bring her back into Los Vaqueros's custody.

"Kate "I need to ask you something." I opened the door, letting her walk in first.

"What's on your mind?" She sat on the couch, but now she was struggling to suppress a smile.

"The task force, who are they?" I sat. The chair across from her was leaning forward, so she couldn't avoid the question this time.

"Task Force Apex." I just raised an eyebrow since I had never heard of them before today.

"So two sergeants and a lieutenant?" "No commanding officer?" This whole situation was becoming more confusing by the minute.

"I didn't say that John; I just didn't say who he was." She smiled back.

"What are you on about now, Laswell? Why all the secrecy? Don't tell me you went and lost three ballistic missiles again." I joked but was now annoyed with the lack of answers.

"I would hope she didn't; otherwise it would make all our lives that much more complicated."

I spun around, facing my desk and drew my pistol. Kate didn't say anything, just sitting up and looking at the leather chair that was facing out the window.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you in my office?" I yelled, pulling the hammer back.

"You used to let me sit in this thing all the time. I can't believe you didn't get a new chair." Suddenly the realization hit me, and I lowered my weapon. I tried to speak, but no words left my open mouth as the chair slowly turned around and a pair of boots propped themselves on my desk. I saw him for the first time in three years; he was back.

"Hey dad!" Y/n smiled.

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