Chapter 5: The Ghost of Christmas

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Y/n's POV

The sun wasn't up yet but I was already fixing my hair and brushing my teeth. I had developed a habit of being the first one up in the mornings often times reading or eating breakfast in some quiet place. Normally I would also go on a run but today just wasn't the day since I still wasn't completely used to the time change. Instead I pulled a simple red t-shirt over my head and a pair of jeans with my typical side arm heading out to get some food. The base was dead silent since most everyone else was asleep but Kate had secretly given me the keys for the base and I decided I would find something to read in Price's office and just relax until the holiday madness started. As I made my way down the dark hallways I couldn't help but feel someone's gaze on me but I couldn't see anyone in either direction. I just kept walking finally seeing the door to the kitchen walking in and putting on a pot for some tea, thanks to Price I had developed a bad addiction to tea now.

"So you're what all the fuss is about?"

My soul left my body and I immediately turned around punching whoever had just taken 18 years off my life. My fist connected with a mass of person but no grunt or sound left their lips, only after I realized who it was did my heart drop. Standing close behind me was the man himself, the lieutenant of 141, Ghost.

"Ow." He said with no emotion whatsoever.

"Jesus Christ! Why don't you make any sound and why didn't the door creak??" I backed up into the counter trying to get some breathing room as I clutched my heart as it beat faster.

"You didn't answer my question." He stated taking a step forward.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked now realizing how huge this man was. He was easily 6'5 and built like a mountain, but then again I was barley 5'6 so most everyone was taller than me. He wasn't as large as König but unlike the quiet Austrian Ghost was intimidating and he knew it.

"Your Price's son."

"Not by blood we worked together for a few years and developed a good relationship." I was now able to breathe better not turning around but sliding the pot off the burner. Ghost just stared down at me leaning over and pulling a mug from out of the cabinet above.

"Holy hell..." I thought to myself as his entire frame was now over me.

"So you and your squad are our new friends huh?" He stepped to the side getting a tea bag and sitting at the table.

"Are you not drinking any?" He questioned.

"W-What? Oh I guess." I turned around fixing my own cup but feeling his stare the entire time.

"How did you hear about me anyway I just arrived last night?"

"Word travels fast."

"Well yeah I guess I am a big deal around here." I smiled taking a sip from my own mug and sitting across from him.

"Little deal you aren't exactly much to look at."

"You do realize I outrank you?" I stated somewhat irritated at the height joke.

"Sir yes sir." He chuckled.

I hadn't known him long but something inside me knew that him laughing was probably not a normal thing. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I quickly finished my drink and stood to leave.

"Where are you off to?" Ghost stood from behind me watching.

"Nowhere. Run. Shower." That was a lie in reality I just wanted for him not to see my bright red cheeks.

"You sure about that seems like you are a little embarrassed?" He walked over stopping just in front of me.

"I tend to have that effect on people." He dropped his tone staring me dead in the eyes.

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