Chapter 11: Father & Son

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Price's POV

He was clearly upset but remained silent the entire flight back deep in thought. I couldn't help but notice Soap's upset expression on the way back to Alejandro's base and Ghost just stared at y/n. When the helicopter landed y/n was the first out and had already started walked off but I grabbed him by his vest dragging him towards the main HQ only glancing back to see Soap and Ghost watching. Y/n didn't say anything just going along as we entered the building as I marched him up into an empty briefing room.

"What the fuck was that?" I demanded.

"Nothing it's fine."

"Don't lie to me, something is clearly bothering you and from the looks of it Soap isn't taking it well. Now tell me what the fuck happened out there!"

Y/n just crossed the room sitting in one of the many empty chairs around the table. He looked exhausted and had blood on his outfit, thankfully none of it was his. He clearly wanted to say something but seemed to be struggling to find the words. I just sighed walking over and pulling out the chair next to him leaning back in it and pulling out a cigar.

"I really wish you wouldn't do that." He mumbled.

"Tough, now what happened?"

"Soap nearly got killed in front of me..."

The news was upsetting for me since Soap was a valued member of my team and I was fond of the sergeant. This type of thing wasn't uncommon since we were often getting shot at or something else, but the effect it had on y/n seemed to suggest that this time it was bothering him more than usual. I huffed put a puff of smoke debating whether I should tell him I knew about him, Soap and Ghost.

"It's hard to watch someone you care about nearly get killed."

"You knew?" He winced as I just chuckled.

"I'm your father kid, I can pick up on these things."

Y/n just groaned dropping his forehead on the table with a thud.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing but I understand, especially after Chimera."

"I remembered that day...when Soap was being held hostage I felt powerless for a moment, like when we had to leave him." Y/n whispered.

"You really can't keep blaming yourself over what happened, Soap and Ghost don't deserve to get pushed away like that. These things happen but you three are safe and alive, that's what matters kid."

"But what if he died and I had to watch or what if I wasn't quick enough or something else?"
Y/n's voice was shaky and broken, he was obviously trying not to cry but didn't remove his head from the table.

"What did you even do to save him?" I asked.

"Throwing knife..."

"Bloody hell kid, you are lucky you didn't hit him."

"I KNOW!" Y/n yelled finally looking at me again.

I was completely shocked that he had just yelled at me. He wasn't one to get upset very easily to the point of yelling but this situation had clearly messed him up. His face was red with tears already beginning to fall, eyes puffy and slightly red. I just put out my cigar and stood walking over to the other side of the table and pulling him up into a hug.

"It's okay."

"No it isn't! I don't want to lose anyone else! I can't! I won't!" He yelled into my vest.

It had taken y/n a long time to recover from the death of Chimera and even now he clearly wasn't over it. He was able to open up to others like Soap and Ghost but the fear of losing them seemed to be too much to handle. I understood that since I had my own fair share of lost friends and close relationships, it had been difficult for me to lose Roach and Longshot all those years ago. Y/n had lost much more than a teammate he had lost someone special and I knew that haunted him and after nearly losing Soap the trauma was back and overwhelming him. He kept crying until he couldn't anymore finally calling down after about 15 minutes all the while I did my best to just remind him that everyone was okay.

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