Chapter 30: One Last Time

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A/N: Hey everyone, so good news: I finally finished writing the book! Yay! The bad news is that I made myself cry during every chapter, so yeah. Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be posting the final chapters almost every night! Okay, back to the story!

3rd Person POV

Gaz had fallen over and hadn't moved after the gunshot rang out. He was laying on his back, eyes closed, sprawled out. Y/N turned back around to face Chimera, who just had an evil look on his face. Chimera began to bust out laughing and seemingly couldn't help it. He was insane; like an animal backed into a corner, he now had very few options left.

"Well now that he's gone, I guess it's just us!" Chimera chuckled.

"I'm going to kill you!" Y/N yelled.

"I'm sure you'd like to, but, come on, you have to admit this is cool, right?"

"Are you insane, Chimera?"

"Maybe? But seriously, you and me on this walkway, with fire and stuff around us. Makes for a hell of a final fight!" He laughed, tossing the pistol over the edge, and it disappeared into the clouds below.

"You aren't just going to shoot me?" Y/N asked confused.

"No, it wouldn't hurt Price as much, plus this is so much more poetic. We used to rain together, so how about it Y/N? One last training, one last lesson, one last time."

Chimera pulled out the knife he had given Y/N all those years ago. The blade reflected the fire as Chimera turned it around in his hand.

"I really wanted you to join me." Chimera spoke softly, slowly making his way over to the other soldier.

"The man I loved is dead; I don't know you anymore." Y/N responded coldly.

That sentence seemed to hit Chimera hard. He stopped narrowing his eyes; he always did this before their sparring sessions. He focused on which openings he could take advantage of.

"Well then, I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about killing you then, huh?" He growled, his hands tightening around the handle of the knife.

"I certainly won't." Y/N replied, taking a step forward.

"To the death then."

The word had barely left Chimera's mouth when both operators rushed at each other at full speed. Price and the others had assessed both opponents well; Y/N had speed and agility on his side, but Chimera clearly had physical strength on his. Both were suffering from wounds, with Y/N's shoulder now bleeding profusely and Chimera's leg also causing him extreme discomfort. Ghost's knife landed the first hit, slicing open Chimera's sleeve and drawing first blood. It was a short-lived victory as Chimera crashed into the smaller man, knocking him onto his back. Y/N felt the wind get knocked out of him as Chimera slammed his fist down towards Y/N's face. Y/N rolled out of the way just in time, turning Chimera over and sending him into the metal railing. Chimera struggled to get back up, and Y/N swung Soap's knife towards his neck but missed cutting Chimera's vest strap instead.

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